Tuesday, March 29, 2022

My Attempt at Making Ezekiel Bread

“Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it."
Ezekiel 4:9

Have you ever hear of Ezekiel bread? Well one day while I was watching a Youtube video a lady made some Ezekiel bread using the recipe in this books:

To be honest I had been intimidated to made this bread. It seemed too complicated. But this books make it much easier to make than what I thought it would be. 

It is a great recipe. It has a recipe to of 4 grains and 4 different beans that you mix together and then put through your flour mill. You can smell the beans being found up. Here is a photo of what all the grains and beans looked like. This mixture of things made 8 1/2 cups of flour and I used it all in the recipe. 
The bread dough ends up being a batter bread that is poured into the bread pans. 
You don't want to fill up the pans too full - because the bread will rise and it is best to keep it at least 1/4 of an inch from the top of the pan - if you let it rise any more than that it could overflow. 
I was very happy with the results. One thing I learned from this first attempt at making Ezekiel bread is that I will probably grease the bread pans with shortening from now on. I just sprayed Pam and it was a little touch and go for a bit on getting the bread out of the pans -but thankfully only one of them stuck a bit on the bottom but not so bad I can't enjoy the loaf. I am very happy with the results! I am happy I finally tried it out. 

When I was measuring the ingredients out for the flour - I measured out stuff for an extra batch of grains and beans- and put them in a jar. Next time I want to make this bread it will be SO much faster with out having to measure all that stuff out - 8 things. Next time I have to measure stuff out - I plan on doing more batches so that I can always easily make up this bread. 


  1. It looks so interesting! Where did you get your recipe? And do you have an electric grain mill, or a hand crank one?

    1. The recipe came from the book above and I do have an electric grain mill thankfully!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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