Monday, September 9, 2024

Beautiful Minds and Mental Health | 3ABN Today Live

After watching the 3 part series on "Wounds That Heal" I watched this great program and was blessed. I wanted to share it with you as well. May you be blessed and may you glean some great information from this program. :O) 

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Wounds that Heal | 03

This is part 3 of a series - if you have not watched part one and 2 please scroll back to watch them first. :O) 

Wounds that Heal | 02

This is part 2 of a 3 part series. If you have not watched the first part - please scroll back to see it. 

Wounds that Heal | 01

This is a 3-part series, and I will post all today because this series blessed me so much - I want you to be blessed as well, and I feel that having the opportunity to watch all of these 30-minute videos in one day would bring the biggest blessing. :O) 

“Teaching Disciples: Part 1” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 7 Q...

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

An Example, A Reminder

 Remember how I mentioned in yesterday's post about keeping extras of the things you use on hand? Well yesterday afternoon the rain seemed to calm down to just a drizzle so I decided to run to Aldi's. It's easy to get a decent parking spot nearby and so you don't get too drenched if it was to start pouring down rain. Thankfully I could get most of what we needed there. But guess what happened? For the 2nd week in a row, they were out of the canned cat food. Ugh... I have gotten my cats off of treats we were spending too much money on them, and they were wanting more and more. So, I decided to stop giving them treats but I do split a can of cat food between the 3 indoor cats and then what they don't eat is fed to a stray that I feed. Anyway, I wanted to share since it was what I had mentioned yesterday. I am SO very glad that canned cat food is one of the things I try to keep well stocked. If Aldi's doesn't have any next week, I will have to go to the other town nearby that also has an Aldi's. 

So please just try to keep a bit extra of the things you really need to have - you never know when it will be gone from the shelves for several weeks without warning. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Fair Weather Shopper

 So today I had big plans to go to town and run some errands. Our grocery list has been getting longer and longer every day so going to Aldi's and Walmart were on my list of things to do. I also wanted to check out a favorite consignment store as well, but the weather had other plans for me. 

As of 1:15pm today we have gotten 1.45 inches of rain. Oh, do we need that rain!!! We had had rain in the forecast every day the last several days and have hardly gotten more than a few drops. So, of course, I am thrilled for the rain, but it does throw a damper on my plans. I don't like to go get groceries in the rain. Some could say I am a fair-weather shopper, just like I am a fair-weather walker. I don't like going walking in rainy or super-hot or really cold weather, either.

I have decided to stay home and enjoy the rain instead of shopping and taking care of my errands. This is truly a real treat!! After a hot summer it feels great to have a bit more mild temperatures and rain. It feels good to be able to hold my plans loosely. It makes like easier to handle. Yeah, I really wanted to go shopping but I can work it into my plans later this week or postpone till next week. 

I had a lot of odds and end jobs to do here at home any way so I have worked on those jobs today and will continue to do so. That way I will be more ready to watch our grandson the next three days. 

We can make do until I can get groceries. That is one reason why I try to keep extras of the thing we use the most. I'd like to encourage you to do the same.  Last week when I went to Aldi's they were totally out of several things on my list. I never seemed to notice stores being out of things before 2020 but I really notice it now. That is another reason why I try to stock up when I can - you never know when the item won't be available. 

I am so glad that I was able to get my garden mowed and weed eated over the weekend. And I am very glad that yesterday I was able to get potatoes planted out and I also got my yellow squash, zucchinis, and cucumber plants planted out in the garden. I am very happy about that. Now they are getting a good deep watering. Praising God for that. 

Well, that is all for now. I hope that you all are doing well. Until next time be blessed! :O) 

06- Flavor With Fresh Herbs - Cook:30 Cooking Tips

Personal Faith | Unshakable Faith | 01