Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Following the Nudges of the Holy Spirit

I did something last night that I don't like to do. I stepped outside of my comfort zone. The Women's Ministries at my church had a meeting last night. It was about Prayer and Praise. Well at the end of the presentation, the lady asked if anyone wanted to share a verse that has meant a lot to you or a praise report about something God has done for you. Well I felt a nudging to share what God has done for me recently. I think it is easy to forget what God has done for us and allow ourselves to think we have done the things on our own. So I thought it was very important to praise God for bringing the information of the seminar by Dr. B. and for what all God has done for me since then.

Stepping out of my comfort zone was not something that I would have chosen to do but I had felt a nudging from the Holy Spirit and it is best to follow His leading. And once I was done - I was glad I did it. I need to have reminders of the fact that the things I do are not because I am so strong or so good - it is only because of the strength that Jesus gives to me - that gives me the ability to do anything good.

I do not like to talk in public to groups of people. I really don't. In fact, even after I had shared half of my story, I started to hear my voice quiver. Anyway I wanted to give God the Glory. He deserves so much more praise than what He gets.

Each time that we follow that nudge and do what we feel we are suppose to do - I think that God gives us the strength and not only that but the next time it becomes a bit easier to do that which we are suppose to do.

"I can do all thing through Christ who strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13


  1. Good for you! :) I'm sure you were an encouragement and blessing to others there at the meeting!

  2. God asks us to be 'uncomfortable' for Him...I am sure your testimony was a blessing to others. Glad you listened and obeyed that prompting. Encouragement to me!

  3. I loved this post we all need to speak up for jesus when the opportunity presents itself. God bless you. Blessings jane


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....