Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Sunday Afternoon

Well today the weather has been great and we have taken advantage of it. My husband had bought some peat moss and some soil and so today we worked at getting the stuff spread over the garden and then got it all tilled in. While they did the tilling I had to go around and pick up rocks - The bucket above is just one of several that I have gathered full of rocks. And there are still a bunch more rocks in our garden. I pray that God will bless our efforts and help our garden to grow well.

While my son was tilling - he had to rescue a little fellow from our garden. He hopped away happy to have his life spared, trying to decide the best place for his new home.

I threw some grass clogs over the fence to my chickens. Some of them loved it while others were busy with their own conquests.

Our garden area is closer to being a real garden. We probably still need to bring in some sand and see if we can loosen up that clay.

While they tilled - I spent some time weed eating around in the back yard. We are tired now and ready for a break. Hoping you all are having a good week end! :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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