Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday Update

Edited to add: a link to a great recipe for Hummus - which would be great with these raw veggies. :O)

Well it has been a while since I have talked about my weight loss journey and journey towards being healthier. There for a couple of weeks to a month - I had a hard time. I struggled more with being hungry. And I figured out that I needed to make sure that I was getting enough fruits and veggies and to try to make sure that I had a good amount of raw veggies too. So here is something that I have done to help me be more successful. I take my veggies and cut it up and put it into individual serving bags so that when I need a snack or an addition to my meals- I can just grab a bag. Today I cut up carrots an celery to have in the fridge.

When I have these easily accessible -it is much easier to keep eating healthy. And by adding raw veggies - especially with a crunch - it really helps you feel as though you are getting more to eat. I like to start with my raw veggies or fruit and then move onto the rest of the meal. It works better for me that way.

And now that our weather is getting back to Texas normal temps I am trying to get out and get more exercise. This week I had a few extra shifts and then went shopping with my sister so I was not able to exercise as much as I would have liked to -but still got more in than last week. And that is good.

I have lost a total of 42 pounds and I am just letting my body get used to this weight loss and making good choices - most of the time - and hoping to see some more weight loss soon.

Well I said that I was going to meet my sister at one of the local GW's - it was half price day! Well I found 2 great tops for $1.83 each. And they were like new. I also found two pairs of capri's - I really need capri's. Earlier in the week - I had stopped by another GW - and found a great Cato's jean skirt- for $5.99 - s0 my outfit today only cost me $7.82. That is SO cool. That is the way I like to shop.

Well I better close - I have a more things that I would like to get done today. I hope you all have a great week end! :o)


  1. What a WONDERFUL idea!!! I am going to have to try this. I am good at getting enough fruits in, but AWFUL at gettin in raw veggies! I am going to do this....but I admit I do not really like raw veggies without a dip of some sort. But maybe a hummus would be healthy, so would still be good.

  2. I think Hummus would be a great idea!! I need to make some up! Got to find my recipe - It think I might have posted it already. I will check it out and if I have I might add a link to this post to it. Just in case someone is interested in it.
    Lisa :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....