Thursday, March 24, 2011

Crossing Things Off of My List

Today has been a very productive day. In the photo above you can see one of the things that I was able to do today. When we enclosed our back porch, my husband built a porch onto the end of it so the birdbath ended up being like about 1 foot or so off of the porch and it was just too close. So I had wanted to move it back a couple of feet. Well today I was able to get it moved! It felt great to have that done. I also mowed the yard -front and back. I weed-eated the front yard. And I picked up a pretty good pile of little branches that had come off of our tree in the front yard. And I also broke off a pretty big dead branch off of the tree and carried all of that stuff to our back yard. I had to get the chickens fresh water. And this list only includes the stuff that I did outside today - well that and also went on a pretty long walk with my Mom.
It felt great to get all of that stuff done. I have some weed eating and such to do in the back yard but I will work on that later.
I have found that if I will write a list of things that I would like to get done - daily, weekly, and long term that when I have free time - that I can refer back to list and pick something to do. Then I am able to make progress. And it feels good to be successful with finishing jobs that need to be done. I have been able to cross off some jobs lately that I have been putting off. But by having it on a list and seeing that it is important to get it done has made me more diligent about getting to it.
Well I just wanted to check in for a bit and let you know that I have been busy and crossing things off of my list. :o)

1 comment:

  1. You have indeed been busy,and accomplished a lot. I will get busy again next week,taking a few days off. Blessings jane


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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