Thursday, March 10, 2011

A New Favorite Show/ What I Have Learned

"Fat things shouldn't happen to skinny people." a favorite quote from Drop Dead Diva

Good Morning everyone. It has been a while since I have updated my blog. Well I have a good explanation - good to me anyways. I was on Netflix updating our Queue and was looking at what other movies were available - when I came across what I thought was a movie and thought that it looked interesting, so I started watching it. I soon discovered that it is a series. Drop Dead Diva. I love it. What an awesome concept - a skinny actress has an accident and hits the "return" button and is sent back into the body of a plus sized lawyer. Maybe it is because I have always been on the heavy side - well at least since I was 12 or so- maybe was not fat but did not ever feel skinny.
So the idea of a skinny person getting the shock of living in the body of one not so skinny is kind of funny to me. So I loved it so much I had to watch at least a couple more episodes each day. I had my list of things to do and would work hard to get a few things done then it was time to watch another episode!

You know that is a good way to get things done on your list that you really need to get done but just haven't felt like it. Speaking of which, speaking of which - I finally got my fish tank cleaned. We had let it go for a while. I had realized that it needed to be cleaned pretty badly but then we had a fish that was not doing very well and I did not want to stress it out. Anyway it passed away so during one of my breaks - I cleaned the fish tank and have promised myself NOT to let it get in that bad of shape again. It is not that bad of a job - if you do it when you are suppose to and not put it off time after time.

Yesterday I mowed our yard for the first time this season. Part of the front yard really did not need it yet but the part that the aerobic system spray onto had gotten pretty tall and was making the yard look tacky. Anyway it felt good to have the job done and get to enjoy a pretty yard.

I have shared in the past how I go to a 12 step program that is held at my church - We go by the 12 step books and some others - like "Hunger For Healing" which is a great book - it is about the 12 steps but from a more Christian point of view - none of the referring to God as your Higher Power - or questions of what your Higher Power would be. Anyway yesterday I finally figured out that when I am dealing with food - I am going to have to apply the first three steps.

1.We admitted we were powerless over food — that our lives had become unmanageable.
2.Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3.Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.

This was kind of hard for me to accept. Because somehow I had the image that those that were powerless over food - were like standing at the refrigerator door gorging on food till they could not eat another bite. And I knew that- was not me. But being powerless over food for me - means that when I crave chocolate- going to get it every time I want it. Or eating when I am not really hunger - those things finally helped me realize that I am powerless over food. I am SO thankful that we have a God who understands us and who loves us so much that we can call on Him when we are powerless over things. And when we can become humble enough to admit our problem- we have so much power available to us - through Jesus Christ.

If you are having a problem with something today- He is there waiting to help you - just ask. :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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