Wednesday, March 2, 2011

100%/100% NOT 50%/50%

"Love is tolerating someone long enough for them to mature to a point where they are tolerable."

This was a Facebook status of one of my friends. What a true statement!

You know, sometimes my husband can be hard to live with. And he would probably say the same thing about me. It is hard to live with someone else that was raised differently than you were.

And I think that this helps explain why we have so much divorce. People fall into love and as long as they are in the passionate part of love - they are happy but once their relationship loses that newly wed excitement - they think that the love is gone. They were in love with the feeling rather than the person.

Another important thing that people need to remember about marriage is that you each need to give 100% - not 50%/50%. We do not live in a perfect world so I know that many people find themselves in relationships with someone who barely even gives 50%, but I don't think that this relieves this person from their responsibility. And the way we do that is by building a relationship to the one who loves us the most and makes it possible for us to love without expecting anything in return. I know that is hard but we are held responsible for our actions - and I really doubt that God wants to hear us say - well he didn't give 100%. Did it work for Adam to say "The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."(Genesis 3:12) Did that excuse him from disobeying what God had said? No- and other people not living up to their responsibilities does not excuse us from living up to ours.

Thank you for letting me share with you all lessons that I learn. This was something that I know I needed to learn and it really helps me work through learning that lesson when I need to type it out for others to understand what I am trying to say.

Well I hope you all have a great day. :o)

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