Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It is in the giving up, that leads to Failure- at least in Weight Lose

Do any of you watch "The Biggest Loser"? Well I do and I just have to write about last nights episode, well and of the show in general. I understand that our country has a big problem with a lot of overweight people and this show thinks that the are helping people in general - well that do help the people that make it on to the show and then in a round about way - when the people on the show go home and "pay it forward." But what they have failed to realize is that when people need to lose a lot of weight and they watch the show and they see these people lose 5,10,15 pounds in ONE week, it can be discouraging for those of us that are just losing a pound or two a week and especially those that are struggling to lose any weight at all. It is not even realistic to expect to lose more than about 2-3 pounds per week - even the Dietitian's tell us that. Well I could go on and on about those type facts but I am sure that anyone that has tried to lose weight knows of the problems that I see with the show, so I will get to what bothered me about last night. Well for those of you who did not see it -I will give a short summary. There was a challenge and the team that finished last - had to pend a week off of campus. And not only that they had $1,000 to spend on what they would need from a special menu. They could choose to do their own shopping for the week $300. or a couple other choices - like have the biggest loser food stocked already - for a lot more. They paid for a gym membership and they had luxury thing like call family and friends, massage and so forth. Now they could also pay for their trainer - $200.00 a day and I think that would have taken $400. out since it was times 2 *2 ladies on the team. Anyway they did not pick the trainer a day because then they could not have called family and so forth. Well of course the show really made a big to do about this and guess what happened? Well they get to the weigh in and one girl lost 2 pounds the other one lost 0. Well then they really made a big deal about that. This is where it really bothered me - See there are a lot of people out here in the real world who can not afford to get a gym membership - let alone a trainer. I mean really there are thousands - maybe even millions of people that join weight watchers and pay money - I think it is per week. And they get help losing weight and also you have a support group which I think is a big part of the success. Well there again - many people can not afford to pay that money. I know for me - after I finished my seminar - I decided I would rather have the money to buy more healthy choices than to pay for a membership. Anyway so my big problem with last nights program was them making a big deal about them still needing a trainer and that is why they failed. Well truthfully there are other reasons - Courtney has said she had hit a wall already and Jennifer has lost quite a bit of weight and could have just hit a plateau. There is no telling. But to put out there for everyone that they need a trainer in order to be successful at weight loss is not a good thing to do. There are a lot of people that could not do it. Besides - most of those same people that are overweight - if they just slowly started to walk - a little more each day - or do some exercises and build up, along with making a few changes in what they eat or how much could slowly start losing weight. And for the show to make such a big to do about that really discouraged me. And I am hoping that it did not discourage others out there that are struggling with losing weight. Oh and by the way - Courtney had lost about 100 pounds before she even got onto this show - so the girl knows what she is doing and more than likely just hit a wall. If you are trying to lose weight, don't get discouraged - even if you have a couple of weeks of struggling and not losing weight - your efforts will pay off. In order to continue to lose weight we have to just stay at it. Don't give up - because if you are anything like me - it is in the giving up that leads to failure. :o)

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