Sunday, March 6, 2011

Tears of Joy

Sorry I have not posted for a few days. Life got really busy. Friday I went and got groceries. And while I was at the store - I noticed the price of the Roma tomatoes - usually the cheapest tomatoes that you can buy were only about 97cents just weeks ago but look at them now?

That tells you that prices are going up. The prices of gas and of groceries can really discourage a person. And you have to remind yourself that God is in control. And ask Him to help you make good choices to best use your money.


Sabbath we took care of our granddaughter - all day(for 10 hours)! This is the longest we have ever taken care of her so we were both kind of nervous about it.

So while my husband went to pick her up - I finished getting ready for church. When he got home - I walked out into the hallway - and at the same time he had SweetPea(granddaughter) walking with help. I got several feet away from her and put my arms out for her and he let go of her and she took some wobbly steps towards me. Let me tell you what - I totally understand what the phrase "tears of joy" mean now. I almost started to cry. It was so neat to see her walking. It just made my day!! My husband was as touched by it as well - since he had not seen her walk before either.

My husband was also happy because he was able to take her to Sabbath School. He loves to take her to Sabbath School and she loves to go. She loves all the songs to Jesus and doing all the cute little activities that the dedicated teachers come up with. We took her by to see Jason's Mom because it was very cold outside and we figured once we got her home we would not get her back out into that cold wind and because the store that my MIL owns is just up the street from our church.

We were even able to get our granddaughter to take a nap- only about an hour but that is about what she normally takes.

Once SweetPea's Daddy picked her up - I got things picked up and did my few chores for the evening. And then we settled in to watch a movie, "The Tooth Fairy" with The Rock. It was a cute movie an we enjoyed it. It was so luxurious to be able to just sit and watch the movie and enjoy it!


Today we are hoping that it warms up a bit since we really would like to go get some sand and peat moss and such to add to our garden area. Our soil is so clay like - we really need to add somethings to it to help it be healthier soil and easier to work with. It will cost some money but this is an investment - because each year it will be in better shape and able to help us produce some food for ourselves. And with our economy being the way it is - I think that is a great investment.

I hope you all have a great day! :o)


  1. I get so depressed about the price of just about everything, not so much for me but young people who are just starting out with young children.All you can do is pray for them. Blessings jane

  2. How special it must have been to see your granddaughter walk..What a blessing!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....