Monday, March 21, 2011


"Texas beauty queen denies ballooning to size 6"

I think it is so sad that someone who was picked basically to represent our state - is given problems because she gains some weight. They say that the average women in America is a size 14. So in the first place the woman that they chose to represent Texas is much smaller than the average woman. (I think they said she had been a size 2 when they picked her-how many women in real life are a size 2? I don't know if I know anyone that thin?..) And then when she gets almost half way to what an average woman's size then they give her a hard time and want to take her crown away her.

We wonder why so many young girls have eating disorders? And for that matter - I have heard that there are quite a few older women that have eating disorders as well. There is so much pressure to be a certain size or you are not acceptable.

For me- I will never be a size 6 - I am lucky to finally be getting very close to a size 16. And that is amazing for me. I was a size 16 when I got married and only made it back to that size 2 times since then. This time - I am hoping that since I am working on not only the outside of me but also the inside of me that maybe- just maybe I can get to a size and stay. When I got to my heaviest - size 24W - I was able to maintain that size for a long time. I think I sat there for several years.

Now I am working slowly to get to where I am suppose to be. I don't know where I will end up but I do know that where ever God thinks is the best place for me - will be the best place for me and I will be happy.

I am learning to like myself and be happy with myself. Those negative thoughts don't do us any good - and in fact they drag us down. So let's get in the habit of looking into that mirror and saying - I like me. I am beautiful- God made me and therefore I am beautiful. You are beautiful! :O)


  1. I agree with you, more of us just need to accept ourselves. Blessings jane

  2. I have also heard that the average woman is size 14. That is so sad about them getting on to her at a size 6--even if she IS a size 6! Aren't they supposed to be picking a person based on a combination of things--brains as well as beauty? Community service work? That's what they always say--doesn't look like they mean it though....


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of....Connection With God

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....