Monday, February 28, 2011

Growing Pains Even When Losing Weight

Today after work, I went to a nearby town to check out a favorite thrift store and Goodwill. I have decided that I am going to try to incorporate my trips to the thrift stores and Goodwill to after I work because when I am at work I am half way to those anyway. Any way to save gas, with them being so high right now.
Anyway I only found a nice pair of Wrangler jeans for my son $4.00 and a nice Ralph Lauren Chaps shirt for my husband - also $4.00.
It seems to me that a whole lot more people are shopping at Goodwill these days. I guess that is a sure fire way to tell that the economy is doing poorly. And I don't know if it is the amount of people shopping there or if it is just harder to fit myself right now. I have gone down about 4 sizes. It was so easy to find clothes before I lost weight. I knew exactly what to look for. Now I am not sure - I have tried on some things in sizes that I was sure did not fit me and low and behold it did. So I am at a point that I have to try more things on just to see if they will fit me or not.
So I am guessing that I will just have to make a trip every week to check and see if I can find anything that fits me. Right now I have hardly any clothes for summer. I get hot easily and so I wear a lot of sleeveless shirts and right now I have just a couple and one of those I don't think quite fits me. I need to get a shirt under it and see if that will fix the problem if not I will have to wait a while before I wear it. There are growing pains even when you are losing weight.

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