Saturday, February 26, 2011

Made in the Image of the Creator

"The Cross tells us that no matter what others think of us, or what our society thinks of us, we are of infinite value to the Creator of the universe"

This quote comes from my Sabbath School quarterly - here is a link so you can check it out. This Quarterly is entitled "Jesus Wept: The Bible and Human Emotions." The last lesson was about self-esteem. That is the lesson that I got the above quote from and the one below as well.

I have struggled with my self-esteem quite a bit through my life. I have allowed the world's view on what makes me important have too big of an impact on who I am. And it was such a blessing to have this lesson and study it and to realize that the list of things that God values are SO much different than what the world's list is. In fact they are in opposition to one another many times. As I was thinking about this lesson, I thought you know what - it is OK that I don't measure up to the world's standards - because it is not the world that I want to be like - it is God. The one who Created me in His image.

"And considering how fleeting and transitory and contingent society and its values are, in the end how much should the view of others and of society as a whole really matter to us anyway?"

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" Philippians 1:6

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