Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Over Due Project

So yesterday I said that I would probably be working on an over due project. Well here it is! About a year and a half ago or so, my oldest son bought some fat quarters for a quilt for his room. He really likes red and black so these were the fabrics that he picked out. Well I traded out a fabric or two. He had picked out a black fabric that had some other colors in it and I just thought it would be bringing in too many other colors. So I put the white back ground with the outline of roses and a black fabric with little hearts in it.

So with the above 20 fat quarters and this quilting book, I got started.
Oh by the way, this book has a great pattern for making quilts using 20 fat quarter- which you cut into 4 different sized pieces. And my husband was sweet enough to make me some templates for these pieces need.

Here is one of the fat quarters - laid out with the templates on top.

And here is my pile of fabrics after I got them all cut up.

Last night I did get a lot of them sewn together- the only problem is that you make 4 blocks one way and the other 16 blocks another way - and guess what - I guess because I had a movie going - I got distracted and I accidentally did it opposite. So I am having to unsew one seam in 12 of the blocks and switch the long piece over to the other side. Then I can make some forward progress. That is always fun. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Jason does GREAT at making templates! Tell him he can start up his own little business, suppling templates to quilters! ;) Your quilt is looking nice too. Scott is lucky to have a mom that will make a quilt up for him in colors he picks!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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