Friday, February 18, 2011

Enjoying Springlike Weather

The weather here lately has been just gorgeous! This is just one of the reasons why I love living in Texas!!! Today I am actually wearing Capri's and it feels so good. Yesterday we stopped by TSC and bought some bird seed and some black oil sunflower seeds. I have a special feeder out for my squirrels and they love the black oil sunflower seeds. Here is a photo from last year.
And he is not a snob when it comes to food - he is perfectly content to go to a bird feeder and find what he would like. (again- photo from last year)
This morning when I went out to let my chickens out and to feed them - I was greeted by many birds singing. I love to hear them singing. What a treat to start my day!

I am hoping to be able to get out and do some work in the yard. I have some rose bushes that need to be pruned. And in fact, the rose bushes that are in my flower bed in the back yard are going to have to be transplanted to the front yard. There is a tree that blocks a lot of the sunlight so the vines are like stretching in a weird position to get sunlight. So we will move them to the flower bed in the front yard. With gardening - many time you have to just try things and when they don't work - try something different.

I am hoping to be able to use the flower bed in the back yard for an herb garden. We have had other flowers planted there that did quite well - so we will see. I just need to pick herbs that do not have to have full sunlight.

Well I hope you all have a great day! Hoping you have some sunshine in your day as well. :o)

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