Saturday, February 5, 2011


I am back. On Wednesday, Papa went over to pick up our granddaughter. Her Mom and Dad were sick, so we took care of her most of the day. And believe it or not we were able to get her to take a nap! When she was a baby we were able to get her to sleep here a couple of times but it had been a while since we had been able to get her to nap here.

Then Thursday night, Papa started throwing up and diarrhea - the same thing that our Son and his wife had been sick with. Friday morning - I woke up not feeling very well. I ended up laying down for a few hours Friday afternoon - hoping that if I stayed still that I would not throw up. And Praise the Lord - I never did. Had a little bit of problems with stomach cramps, a little diarrhea and headache - and being sore. I am feeling better today - I think the fact that the sun is out and we are above freezing has ALOT to do with that.

And since I did not feel very good yesterday I did not eat much - and good news - I finally hit the 40 pounds lost! Yay! I had been in a plateau for about 2 weeks or so and was a bit discouraged but determined not to give up. So now I will get back into my healthier lifestyle.

Oh and a bit of an update on the job situation - I have not heard a word - am I surprised? No - it has been nasty weather here all week. But I went to their website and realized that the job that my friend had told me about did not actually get posted till Feb. 3rd. So tonight I will be applying for it. And then again - I will pray and ask God to lead. :o)

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