Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What I Have Been Up To...

Good Morning everyone! The past 2 days I have spent some of my free time editing my blog. I really hated to do so, but if you had seen the content of the blog that I did - you would totally understand.

I had always thought that basically those that made it to my blog would come here from a blog that I enjoyed going to - and if so they would be the kind of people I would not mind sharing my personal information with, but for some reason - and I have not figured it out yet - there are people that have blog lists or websites in general that have blogs listed on them for no rhyme or reason. Anyway I will still try to be as transparent as I can - as long as I can keep my family and myself safe.

It was a blessing reading through some of my old blogs. I was really encouraged and inspired by it. So maybe all of this happened for a reason.

The past week we have been having some really pretty weather. I was able to get my rose bushes in the back yard pruned and the flower bed weeded. And I have been working on weeding out my garden boxes. My husband and I have been talking about and looking into what we will need to do to get our garden area ready.

I don't know if you can tell from this photo but it is where we had a 24 foot round swimming pool and so it is anywhere from 12 - 20 inches deep. And right now has a lot of stuff in it that needs to be burned. This photo does not do the area justice at all. So now we are waiting for a day that there is not much wind and somewhat rainy.

So as you can tell in the photo that the sun is shining - it is a chilly 39 degrees out there though. It has not been getting that cold at night lately, but yesterday afternoon when I went on a walk it was like about 74 degrees but I felt the cold air coming through. And it did not take long at all for the temps to fall.

So I will be doing some research on things that we will want to plant. Making lists of seeds and such that we will need. I sure hope we can pull everything together and be able to have a good garden soon. It will cost some money - to get dirt hauled in - but it will be a good investment.

We are going to have to buy a rototiller also and a few other handy garden tools. I am praying that God will work it out.

I hope you all have a great day. :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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