Thursday, January 13, 2011

You Learn Something New Every Day

I learned something new recently. This is something that many, if not all of you probably already know. But just in case there is someone who does not know - I will share.
See this gauge above? This gauge tells when the engine is warm. So why is this bit of information important? Well when I get into my car and it is COLD outside - I like to have my heat off and even the blower off. Because even though you turn the heater off - air will still flow through if you have the blower on. And I for one, do NOT want the cold air flowing into my car. So I will go for a while till I think that the heater will start blowing warm air. Well now I know that if you will watch this gauge - you will know when your engine is warm and when warm air will flow in to the car. Isn't that cool? I know, I figure a lot of you already know this but I wanted to share - just in case there were other ladies out there that may not realize this. I hope you guys stay warm and cozy through this cold weather. :o)
By the way, You really do not want the gauge to show any hotter - cause if it does then your engine could be over heating.

1 comment:

  1. LOL Lisa! You didn't know...because you don't need to know that...when you live where you do. As the cold hit us, some new young drivers had some issues with the temperature gauge of her vehicle also.


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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