Thursday, January 27, 2011

Just a little of our Day

I just wanted to share this updated forecast. On Tuesday they say that this 38 will be the high in the am and then will fall throughout the day. And we have a chance of sleet/snow/ice.

I am so thrilled that we have had a beautiful day today. Papa and I went to the Stock Show. We had a lot of fun. I will have to say this though - it is something that we do every several years. By the time you pay to park and then admission - it is quite expensive. But every so often it is something fun to do. I still have not found my camera but I was able to get a couple of photos of my favorite area at the stock show. There is a barn that has lots of baby animals. I was not able to get photos of everything that I wanted to - because there were so many kiddos around the cages, but here are the photos that I was able to get:

I love baby pigs. I think they are adorable. When I was a little girl, I remember going to a farm once and seeing baby pigs and asking my parents if I could have a baby pig..I was serious. I wanted one. Look at these above, aren't they adorable? Oh and by the way - this was not all her babies - the rest were sleeping.

Now I love the baby chicks as well. See the Ferris wheel? It actually moved around and there was chicken feed on each of the seats- it was trying to lure the baby chicks on the step and that way they would ride around. They did ok - if the girl in the pen put them on the step but they did not get on and stay on on their own. The one you see there - will jump off in just a little bit. But they were still cute to watch.

They had baby ducks, calves, goats and lambs - they were cute too but too many people to get very close.
Oh- and I am sure that you all have heard about how everything in Texas is bigger? Well here is some proof!

This bunny was huge! I have a photo of another bunny but I don't know if you will be able to actually tell how BIG this bunny actually was.

Sorry I was not able to get more photos. But I hope you enjoyed these that I was able to get.
On the way home, I was able to see a Road Runner. The first one that I have seen in a long time. I don't know if I have shared this before, but I really like road runner and actually they are like an "I love you" from God. When I see one - that is what it reminds me of. It is good to have things that you really like and when God blesses you by letting you see it - it is a special message of love from our Father who loves us so very much. And just in case you do not know what a Road Runner is - I borrowed a photo from Google images for you to see one:
Hopefully some day you will have the chance to see one in person. If you do - they will probably be running across the road.

This afternoon, the weather was so very nice that my husband and I cleaned out our chicken coop. They needed new hay in their laying bins and so we change that out and I scooped out a lot the mess on the floor of the coop. It felt good to get that job done. It needed it and it was nice to do it on such a beautiful day! :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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