I have to admit that when I first went to the Health Seminar that I went to - that my main goal was to lose weight. I had been convicted of the fact that I really needed to lose the weight when we went to Granbury for the week-end. And as I have shared before 1 week later -God lead someone to share with me the information about a special Health Seminar going on. As I went through this seminar - I knew that this was information that God had led to me and that I needed to be open to hearing what was said and willing to make the changes needed in my lifestyle.
The benefits have been awesome! My blood pressure that was bordering on High(and sometimes in the High range) has come down along with my heart rate. I have lost weight and I am hoping that my Cholesterol numbers are coming down - that is, all but the HDL number - and I am hoping it is going up. I have also been able to give up an addiction that I had to sodas. I had tried and tried many times but just could not do it for any length of time. But there are other benefits as well - I am thinking better and I feel better. My immune system is really enjoying the changes I have made. I am more sensitive to eating meals with high fat content( because I am not used to this at all any more) and also to cigarette smoke - which helped me to come to the place on not subjecting my body to those HARMFUL substances that are in the smoke.
I am so very thankful that God led me to these choices for my life. And as I think about everything that has happened in the last 4 months I am reminded that our bodies are not our own - they are the temple of God. And therefore I had an obligation all along to be taking care of my body in a way that would glorify God.
And what is great about realizing that I need to be taking care of my body because it is the temple of God helps me to realize that there is such a greater purpose to what I am doing - yes I wan to lose weight but I will not see weight loss every day but I can realize that when I am following God's will for my life that there are benefits no matter what the scales say.
Here is a review of the Eight Health Laws that I like to live by:
1. Eat a healthy diet of nutritious food. Try to get plenty of fruits and veggies and eat at least some raw fruits and veggies each day. (I like to say that I eat a plant based diet)
2. Exercise adequately - at least 30 minutes - 1 hour everyday -if you can not exercise this much at one time split it up into 3 sections of time of 10 minutes at a time. Something IS better than nothing.
3. Rest properly. (7-8 hours of sleep is ideal)
4. Try to get at least a little sunshine each day - when the sun is out.
5. Drink at least 8 glasses - or more of water each day.. sodas and coffee are actually a diuretic - which means they can not be included in the 8 glasses.
6. Get plenty of fresh air every day.
7. Live a balanced life
8. Trust in God. Good Spiritual health really does contribute to good physical health.
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you have of God? And you are not your own,
20 for you are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's." 1 Corinthians 6:19 - 20
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Benefits of ...Nutrition
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