Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What a Beautiful Day

Today we needed to go pick up our granddaughters birthday present from Toys R Us - the closest one is about 20 plus miles away so we decided to make it into a date by stopping by Souper Salad for lunch. It was so good. With the new way that I am eating it has limited the places that I can eat. I know a lot of places have plenty of good food, but they have a lot of ingredients that I am wanting to limit or stay away from and to be honest they are not very filling. I like to eat healthy food that is filling without a lot of added fat to it. Anyway we had a very nice lunch. Oh another cool thing - if you have a Souper Salad in your area - be sure to go to their website and look for a printable coupon. It saved us about $1.80 - I know it is not a lot of money but every little it helps.

We found the present that we wanted to get for the granddaughter. We had seen it at Christmas time and we were hoping that it would still be there. It was. Here is what we got our her for her birthday next week:

Here is another photo of the little package of some additional animals, since you can not see them very well here.
I think my granddaughter will have many years of enjoyment from these cute toys. And I think that it is so neat that Fisher Price made such a neat toy - to do with Noah's Ark and the animals. I also think it is a neat thing that I was able to buy these toys and support the idea of making toys like this. Just like when a the makers of the movie Fireproof - make wonderful movies - I will buy them and add them to my small library of great movies. It is a good thing to support good causes that are trying to support Christian living and Christian ideas.

It was a gorgeous day here in Texas. The sun was shining and the temps were up to about 60. My son and I worked on getting some more wood into the house and also to our wood pile. There is a lot of wood in the back of my husbands truck. We also loaded our new wagon that you can see
here at TSC's website, loaded with wood to put out in the garage so we will have easy access. I am so glad to have this job taken care of - it is something that we needed to take care - especially since next week we are suppose to have a COLD spell and maybe even snow. So we are trying to get ready the best way we can. Tomorrow is suppose to be a beautiful day as well. :o)


  1. So glad you had a wonderful day, Lisa! I love your gift choice--I bought one of those same toys for Alison when she was little! You are right--there aren't that many good toy choices out there, and it is nice to support the ones that are.:)

  2. Nice gifts for your granddaughter!From what I've seen Little people are popular with the little one's..


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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