Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Importance of Exercise

Last night as I watched "Biggest Loser" I was very surprised when the Dr. told young Sarah from the Pink Team that she had the biggest percentage of fat. What? She weighed in at 261 and even though that might be a lot of weight - compared to a lot of the other people on the show she is actually one of the smaller ones. Could it really be true that she had the highest percentage of fat?

After she explained to the Dr about being in a car accident and then not being able to exercise -I understood how it could be true. And it got me thinking - in our society we put such a high value on a skinny body. But even though a body might be thin does not exactly mean that it is healthy. Skinny does not equal healthy.

Then I started thinking back to the last time that I lost weight - I worked so hard for that year and lost 52 pounds and then had been so discouraged that I had gained the weight back - plus I ended up gaining about 12 more pounds on top of that. But not all is lost- during that year I walked a lot and exercised and got into better shape and even though over the next 4-6 years(can't remember exactly how long ago it was) I gained all the weight plus more and got more out of shape -I am sure that the exercise and the walking had done me a lot of good.

After hearing the conversation between Sarah and the Dr. it helped me realize that I really need to make it a priority to get exercise at least 3-4 times a week. I try to do more things to add a bit more exercise into my routine every day - but I want to make sure that I am making time at LEAST 3 - 4 times a day for a set aside actual exercise time.

Walking is great for you -walking outdoors adds several other healthy things to your day, fresh air and sunshine, both of which your body really needs. And if you can not get outside to walk - there are always exercise tapes to use. My favorites are from Leslie Sansone. This is actually my favorite right now. I only have 2 of her DVD's. I had more VCR tapes but of course things have switched to DVD's. Anyway I really like the walk and kick routine on here.

This morning I was feeling cold so I went ahead and did the "Walk and Kick" section. And felt much better. It is suppose to get up to the upper 50's today and have some sunshine. I am hoping to get to the park and walk for a little bit as well. Tomorrow will be cold and yucky so I have to take advantage of the sunshine while I can.

What I really like about these exercise tapes is that they are fairly easy to do - and if you adjust what you do with how you are feeling. There are a lot of exercise tapes out there that you really need to be in really good shape in order to do them and that is fine- they are needed by those in a lot better shape than I am in. But thank goodness for people like Leslie Sansone who make exercise tapes for those of us that have not arrived yet.

So today - I challenge you - to the best of your ability try to get some exercise - even if it is just a few minutes here and there. Move your body - your body will be happy you did. :o)


  1. I bought one of her DVDs last winter to use when it was too cold to walk outside--and then all of a sudden the weather turned nice and I never started using it. I completely forgot all about it, and there it is--I just dug it out--all brand new and in the shrink wrap! I'm going to have to use it now! Kind of feels like I just got it for "free", since I bought it so long ago! :)

  2. I am enjoying walking with Leslie too! She is so personable...(: I am pretty much glued to the tv when Biggest Loser is on..

  3. I too have one of her exercise DVD's. I kids know her words by heart...and say things before she does.

  4. That is so cool that you guys like Leslie Sansone!
    Lisa :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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