Monday, January 17, 2011

The Sun - The Son

Today I went with my husband to a nearby State Park. There is a pond there that just got stocked with a bunch of rainbow trout. Last Friday my husband had went and fished in the cold for hours. He enjoyed it so much that he wanted me to go with him today.

When we first got there is was cold. So I sate in the truck while I ate my lunch. Then I read some on my book. Oh speaking of the book - last Friday on my way to get groceries I stopped by a local Goodwill and guess what I found - a book that I had been wanting to read- " Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World" by Joanna Weaver. And for only $1.00 I was able to add this book to my collection. So anyway I read some on this book. It is a very good book.

So there were quite a few people at the pond today. And it is no wonder - it was actually in the 50's - and the sun would actually peak out ever so often. I spent some time down at the pond with my husband and then decided that I needed to take advantage of the beautiful weather. So I walked around the area for a good walk. The sun kept peaking out and then hide again. It felt good to be walking and I wished that I had a park like that near my house so I could walk around it and maybe even some of the hiking trails ever so often. Today those trails were closed due to rain over the week end. I am hoping that the next time that we go to this park that I can walk on the hiking trails. I was reminded of something that Dr. B had said at the seminar- He said to try to fit exercising into every day. Make choices to get into better shape. And even if you have a hard time getting around - to do a little bit every day and then try to do a little bit more the next day and before long you will be surprised at how much you can do - but just start - start today.

I went and sat in the truck for a bit after walking, because there were quite a few people at the dock around my husband. As I sat in the truck I decided to do some writing. As I wrote the sun shown down on my hands and it felt so good. The warmth from the sun. I had not realized how much I had missed the sun. It has been quite cold for us here in Texas and we had not seen the sun in quite a while.
Just as the sun is good and we need it - I am reminded that we need the Son even more in our everyday lives. So I hope that even if you are not lucky enough to have some sun in your day that you at least have the Son. :o)


  1. God cares about our little a coat! Fun to have a good fitting coat, and know that you only have it for a season...


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....