Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Coat- Provision From God

Yesterday as I walked around the park I had plenty of time to think. I spent some time thinking about the things that I was thankful for. The sun shining sure helped me with that. This morning it is foggy and dreary and even some light rainfall - even though there had n0t been anything on the weather report talking about rain for today. I was sure wishing for a bit of sun today as well. But it is only 9am so we still could get some today.

I was wearing my nice warm coat and being very thankful for it, when the thought came to my mind that my coat was a great provision from God. Several years ago, I had found this coat at Ross for only $13.90. When I bought it - it was tight around the stomach area but I thought - well hopefully I will lose some weight. Last winter - it was still as close fitting but I still wore it every now and then. This year it fits great, all the snaps will close and there is even some room to move around. This coat is SO warm and there have been several times this year that I have been SO thankful for this coat. And for only $13.90 - it has been worth its weight in gold to me. It is true that by next winter it will be too big but then it will just be time to bless someone else with this warm coat. And I will trust that God will provide a great coat for me then as well. And in the meantime - I will continue to be thankful for and enjoy this blessing from God. :o)

1 comment:

  1. :) I love how God knew you were going to need this coat NOW--especially at this point in your life, and He already knew what size you would wear. He just provided it early. How little we rely on Him, when we should be leaning more and more on His arms!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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