Tuesday, January 18, 2011

My Closet is Getting More Sparse

I hope that everyone is doing good. Things here are going pretty good. We actually have had a little bit more sun the last couple of days, which I have been very thankful for.

This morning I spent some time going through my closet. I have periodically went through certain things and gotten rid of things that were too big. I have gotten rid of quite a bit of stuff. This morning I went through my church clothes and weeded out all the things that were too big. I took a few bags to a local small thrift shop. I am hoping that someone that really need them is able to get them. This thrift store has some really cheap prices. They are only open a couple of hours a couple days a week. I am hoping to make it there sometime in the next week or so to check out what they have. Maybe someone else has been blessing them with clothes that would fit me.

So now that I have gone through my church clothes and gotten rid of stuff - I am noticing that my closet has less and less clothes. And truthfully I did not need as many clothes as I had - that is for sure. There have been times that I used to buy things out of desperation - like I need the clothes and I don't buy this I may not have anything to wear. There also was a time that I would have just boxed up clothes and saved them just in case I gained weight. But this time I am not even leaving that an option. What I am doing is a life style. I am learning a better way to eat. Moderation is what it is all about. Not depriving myself of things that I would want. No - that would only cause me to feel deprived and not happy. And many times when I did that - I would end up eating all sorts of things trying to fill that want - only later to actually eat what I really want to begin with.

I am thrilled to report that it has been over 4 months since I have had a soda. I am one pound away from losing 40 pound and that is since Sept 1st, 2010. If someone had of told me 6 months ago that I would actually lose that much weight in that amount of time period - I would not have believed them at all. In fact Dr. B told us that we would be surprised of how much easier it would be to lose weight - and I did not believe him at all. I just felt pressure and thought there is no way - that might work for others but Dr. B does not realize how hard of a time I have losing weight. I shared before about how I had worked hard for 1 year and had lost 52 pounds - but I am telling you I worked hard for it. This time I allowed God to be in charge and let Him fix the things inside of me that not only held onto the clothes but also held onto the fat. I am learning to let go - learning to let God.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful, Lisa, your testimony. God is truely leading you. He will not forget that you need new clothes to replace the old--though I agree with you completely that we DO tend to have WAY more clothes than what we really need to have. One of my long-term wishes is to have fewer, but have everything coodinate with each other so have lots of options mixing. Someday!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....