Thursday, January 6, 2011

Home Management Binder

Now that I have found that I have a lot more free time, I have been trying to get myself more organized. One way I am doing that is setting up a notebook - with helpful information in it. In my menu planning section I have printed out a monthly calender so that I can keep track of what I am making and then I can refer back to it for help. You can find an awesome monthly calender for 2011 here. One thing that love about this calender is it has the holidays, day light savings time, and extra stuff like that already printed on the calender.

I do not plan specific foods for specific days usually. Normally I just plan out about 8 meals that sound good and then I make sure that I have the ingredients to make up said meals. Sometimes I do have a specific day that I want to make certain meals - especially those things like a roast that I need to defrost the meat ahead of time. Anyway it sure makes things easier to have the food on hand for meals and so when meal time rolls around - you just look at the list and decide what to fix.

So on the calender - I write what we actually ate. That way I can keep from over doing certain meals. Sometimes if I make the same thing over and over my family gets tired meal. My Onion Pie recipe is one that they got tired of because I liked it so much that I kept making it. It has been a while since I have made it so I might try it sometime in the next week or so.

There are a lot of ladies out there that have set up a Home Management Binder and I am so glad that they shared some of the information with me because it inspired me to work towards getting one together for myself. I have not decided what all information that I want in mine yet - it is a work in process. I know that I am working on a master list of things from the grocery store - I think it would make it easier make out a grocery list if I had a master list to make sure I had everything that I need. I am also working on a schedule of keeping my home in order. Basic jobs to do certain days. There are times I have let certain areas of my home go cause I did not make time to take care of it.

What I really like about having a Home Management Binder is that it is very nice to know that I have the information that I need - right there, handy and easy to reference. :o)

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Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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