Thursday, January 20, 2011

Metabolic Syndrome

Wow- I was so close. I had not realized how very close I was... to getting Diabetes. I watched a program today about pre-Diabetes and was so surprised at how very close I was to actually getting Diabetes. My Dr. had told me that I had a lot of the signs of pre-diabetes but I had not totally understood how close I was to getting it.

Some of the warning signs are:
1. Waist circumference more than 35 inches for a female (what is so sad is that I have lost 3+ inches or so in my waist and I am still quite a ways from being under 35 inches-that is discouraging)
And for men- 40 inches
2. Fasting blood sugar - 110- and over( I was not this high yet but very close)
3. HDL - for women - if it is less than 50 - and for men - less than 40 (mine was about 38 the last time I had my blood tested)
4. Triglycerides over 150
5. Hypertension ( BP over 135/85)

My Dr. explained it to me like this - that this syndrome causes the pancreas to overwork, putting out excessive amounts of insulin to deal with the glucose load. When about 50% is depleted, the blood glucose will rise to over 200 an that is when the diabetes diagnosis will be made. What is really sad is that at this point the pancreas will continue to deteriorate even when the best medical treatment is given.

There is some good news though - I caught this situation in time. With the lifestyle changes that I have made, I have a great chance of preventing Diabetes. Yay!

Some of the positive changes that can be made are - adding 30 - 45 minutes of exercise to your daily routine. And losing just 5-10% of your body weight can also help delay or prevent diabetes all together. And lifestyle changes such as eating a plant base diet along with exercising is the very best thing that you and I can do to prevent diabetes.

Just in case you may be looking at this kind of a diagnosis in your future - Dr. Barnard's book "Reversing Diabetes" if you are interested you can go to this link - it tells about the book plus has some down loadable pdf files on the left side of the page.

So for me - I am feeling a little overwhelmed for knowing how much improvements that I need to make in my weight and waist measurements. But I am so thankful that God lead me to the seminar that I went to - because without it, I don't know if I would have had the information needed for me to make the positive changes in my life. And I am thankful that even though I feel like I have a mountain to climb - I know that I can give God the control of this and with his strength - I can continue to make the necessary changes needed. :o)

"Let medicine be thy food, and food be thy medicine."
— Hippocrates of Cos, Greece, 460-377 B.C.

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