Sunday, January 2, 2011

When I Almost Fell Off the Wagon

Several days ago, I shared how I was discouraged and even though I realized that I should be thankful for the fact that I had lost a good amount of weight - I was discouraged. And I almost fell off of the wagon.

This past week has been a tough one for me. I think one of the biggest factors was the fact that Friday evening we had our Christmas Dinner Get together at my Mother-in-laws house. I was worried about this since this would be the first time since my husband or I had seen her since she let me go. And I just did not know how she would act - or if I could be on my best behavior. So I did not make good choices half of the time. And then came the dinner - Let me tell you this - my MIL cooks with a LOT of butter and cheese. So things like broccoli and carrots that would normally be good choices of things to eat became fat traps. So after eating that fatty meal - my body kind of rebelled - yesterday I had a head ache. I have not had headaches like that in a while and I again made some bad choice - not really in what I ate this time, more in how much and also for the wrong reasons. Over the past week - I had gained about 2 pounds or so. And I was discouraged yesterday evening.

Well I went to my sewing room to finish up a Block of the Month block that I had and turned on a program that I had recorded. The program is called "Wonderfully Made" and it is on 3ABN. We have Dish Network and it is on 9393. Well the episode that I watched just happen to be about the benefits of a plant based diet and how even though the weight loss can be slow- that it is a more permanent weight loss since there has been a lifestyle change. This was so encouraging for me. I was so thankful that God had that program play - just when I needed it. And let me tell you - yesterday I felt like I was at the point of falling off the wagon, I was discouraged. I had not thought that I would face that feeling with this lifestyle change. But I did and I had a week or so of not making good choices and I am hoping that I have worked through these feelings. In the past, having that feeling and then making bad choices and gaining weight - would have been all it would take for me to totally give up. But I am not that person any more. I have help - I have a resource that is there for me when I need Him and when I choose to ask for help. I am going to ask God to give me the wisdom to make better choices and to strength to stand up to temptation. There are too many benefits to staying on this healthy new lifestyle - and so even if the weight loss slows - I will stick to it and take care of my body the way that God intended me to. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Lisa! So glad that God arranged that bit of encouragement for you through the 3ABN program! How neat! He knew exactly what you needed to hear!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....