Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

Hello~ I hope you all have had a great day. The weather here was just beautiful today with the highs in the mid 70's- the kind of weather that I love! We have rain coming in tonight and then winter will be back in just a few days.

I just stepped out of my comfort zone. How you ask? Well I just submitted my job application. I am praying that God will open doors for me - if this is the job for me. It has been so long since I have been in the job market -it is a bit scary for me. I was kind of worried about putting down the wrong information -like they wanted to know how much I wanted to get paid. Well what is the best thing to put? If you put to0 low that could hurt me and if I put too high of an amount that could hurt me too. So I prayed and I am hoping that God will take care of the rest of it.

I sent an e-mail to let my mother in law know that I was putting in an application for a job so that she would expect a phone call. And she wrote back and said that my job was still available - IF I would be OK working around smoke. So I could go back to work but she did not want to work with me so that I did not have to be around the smoke. It made me feel good in a way and then made me a bit sad also. I hate for her to have to do all of my work, but this has been her choice. And if I get the job I am going for - then I am actually stepping up. Working at the bakery was fine but now that I am 41 I really would much rather have a job in an office than working in a hot kitchen. I would rather have a bit of a challenge. And also contribute to the family budget in a more substantial way. Working at the bakery only gave me about 8 hours or so on an average week. This job will give me about 20. So maybe this is one of those situations where God closed a door in order to open another door. You know I would to have been open to another job - because I would not have chosen to have left my work to my Mother in law- if it were my choice. So I would not have been open to leaving and getting another job if all of this had not happened. And truthfully - I could do both - if it came down to it.

I just keep learning - I need to trust God. He knows best and He wants what is best for us. And when He takes us out of our comfort zones - it helps us grow. And let me tell you - the past couple of years, I have had to keep stepping out of my comfort zone. But in the process - I have become more the person that God intended me to be.

Starting this blog - was one of the times that I stepped out of that C zone. And it has challenged me and made me grow as a person. Stepping out of our comfort zone is scary, but when God is leading that is where I need to go. And if it is God that is leading - I will never be disappointed! :o)

1 comment:

  1. You are stepping out in the right direction, with God at your side. It's an exciting time for you...


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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