Friday, January 14, 2011

Some Good News

Good Morning~ I hope everyone is staying warm. It has been quite cold around here - at least for us Texans. There was a couple of days that I could not even do laundry because it had gotten so cold at night and did not get very far out of freezing temps throughout the day. Our washer and dryer are in our garage, which just happens to face the north. And we have an outside cat so we keep the garage open at least a foot or a little less for him to get in and out of. So anyway several weeks ago I did a load of laundry after it had gotten below freezing and when I went to switch the loads out, I found water all over the floor. I was worried that I had messed up the washer. My husband checked it out and we never did figure out where the water had come from. So anyway ever since then when it gets below freezing we try not to do laundry - or try to do laundry till it is above freezing for a while so for a couple of days I had to let my laundry just pile up. And I really do not like to do that. I like to keep my laundry done up. It sure makes it an easier job when you do your laundry as you have a load or two and not wait and do a hundred in one day. Doing as you have a load or two helps you to have a lot less sock to have to match up as well - one more reason to keep the laundry done up.

So I got some really great news last night!! My sister had some blood work done in Sept, before we changed our lifestyle. And her Doctor had set her up to have blood work done again in December because her Cholesterol was high. So yesterday she got the results! Her numbers had come down. The total Cholesterol number came down 58 points. And that is only in 3 months of eating a plant based diet! And remember Thanksgiving and Christmas were in there as well. I am so proud of her. Her Doctor was surprised that she was able to do that much different with just dietary changes and exercise. That is funny that he would be surprised.

What really got me is that when she told him what she was doing, is he made some comment about being careful about not eating too much fruit cause something about that it is better for you than coke but still it could make you fat. haha - My sister and I eat at least 2-4 pieces of fruit for breakfast every morning. And if her cholesterol coming down so much was not enough proof that what she was doing was good - her blood pressure has come down, her weight down by 25 pounds and her blood sugar number has come down. What she is doing is GOOD and it would help if Doctors would get off of the band wagon that tells people to be careful of how much fruit and vegetable that you eat - you could get fat. Fruit and Veggies are the best thing that you can eat - along with whole grains and nuts. Yes - even nuts. Our bodies need nutrition that comes from all those foods. And getting the nutrition from food is the best way to get it.

I read a thing the other day that said that while eating a diet high in Vitamin A can protect smokers from lung cancer( not totally but really help) taking supplements of Vitamin A did the opposite. So try to get your nutrition from your food. It's the best thing you can do. :o)


  1. That is great news Lisa! We have warmed up a bit..At least we have sunshine. Stay warm!

  2. I am agast at your sister's doctor! Feel like saying it's time for her to get a NEW doctor, if he tells her to be "careful" about eating fruit!!! O.K., I do know this can be true if you are diabetic, as the fruit sugar can still raise your sugar levels, but honestly, fruit is never going to make you fat! And here your sis had lost weight--didn't he even consider THAT???? All right. I have to remind myself that maybe your sister will be a GOOD influence on him, and he will realize that food and exercise ARE medicine--medicine to keep us healthy instead of pills to try and fix things that are broken by our wrong lifestyles. Sigh. We need more knowledgable doctors out there! But I am so proud of both you and your sister--keep it up! You are helping encourage me to do what I know I should be doing!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....