Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Bible Student/Digging Deeper

For a while now, I have had a deep desire to be more of a student of the Bible. I have had devotional time and studied out some things here and there, but I have just felt like I wanted to go deeper. Well when I was at the Goodwill yesterday, I came across a great book. I did not even realize how wonderful of a book it really was until today when I took some time to sit down and read the Preface, Introduction and part of the first chapter so far. There is so much to digest in all of the stuff that I have read so far. I think it is because I am a visual learner, that I need something like this to guide me in the different ways to study the Bible. And this book has "12 Practical Approaches to searching the Scriptures." It also tells of some awesome tools that will help you study the Bible.

One thing that has really stuck out so far is that this book is very clear of the importance of studying the Bible not just for Knowledge but also for Application. In the Bible there was Pharisees and Sadducees - these men had all sorts of knowledge but they did not apply it to their own lives. When you study the Bible just for the knowledge it can make you feel puffed up - with pride and that is certainly not what God wants from us. I mean even Satan knows the scriptures but he allowed himself to become puffed up and look where that got him? yikes - not where I want to be.

"The end of all learning is to know God, and out of that knowledge to love Him and be like Him." John Milton -

I may see if I can give a little summery of each method of Bible study and information and share it as I study through this book. It is an awesome book - and even though the copyright date is 1981 - I think it is just as practical for me today.

I look forward to studying the Bible more thoroughly. May we all take the time to study our Bibles. They are a special book straight from our Heavenly Father. A Love Letter just for you and me. :o)


  1. I need to heed to this myself..Appreciate the reminder...

  2. You an me both Lisa! I've been having the same pull here lately. In fact, yesterday, I ordered a book from Amazon about inductive Bible Study after seeing the blog post at Women Living Well blog. I hoping this will really help my Bible Study. I just recently finished reading the entire NT and now I'm ready for some real study! Maybe we can go along on this together :)


  3. Great post and very true and challenging.
    Thanks for the reminder of how important His Word is.
    I need to be more diligent in this area.

    Thanks a lot. Have a great Lord's Day!

  4. I LOVE how God leads us to little things like your book--just at the time we need them and are most receptive to learning what they are teaching. So glad you found this book--please DO share what you learn as you go through it! :D


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Taking you along with me on this journey....

December 21st, I received a message from my stepmom informing me and my sister that the Alzheimer's was taking its toll on my Dad's ...