Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dynamic Bible Study #2

"How to begin to Understand Chapters of a book of the Bible." page 43

Definition: "The Chapter Summary Method of Bible Study involves gaining a general understanding of the contents of a chapter of the Bible by reading it through at least five times, asking a series of content questions, and summarizing the central thoughts of a passage." Page 43-44

Some of the positives for this method of Bible Study - is that it is pretty easy, does not take very much time, and there is no requirements for outside reference materials.

Some of the pointers for doing this type of study is to read the section that you have chosen in a Bible that does not have notes or extra information. That way you get a fresh look at what you are reading.

It is suggested that you read the section straight through without stopping, that way you can see the way the section of the Bible flows. It is also suggested to read the section in several different contemporary translations, this can give you additional insight. It is also important to read the section out loud at least one of the times that you read through it. Reading the Bible aloud helps you keep your focus on what you are reading.

Ten Easy Steps for Doing a Chapter Summary
In this sections I will write the very basic information. If you have any questions or would like more information on any of it - just let me know and I will type out more information.

Step 1 ~ Caption
"Give the chapter a short, descriptive title.The Shorter the title, the more likely you will remember it."

Step 2~ Contents
"Describe. summarize, paraphrase, outline, or make a list of the major points in a chapter. ....Don't try to interpret the chapter, just make observations on its contents. "

Step 3~ Chief People
"List the most important people in the chapter. Ask questions such as, Who are the main people in this chapter? Why are they included? What is significant about them?"

Step 4~ Choice Verse
"Choose a verse which summarizes the whole chapter or one which speaks to you personally.

Step 5~ Crucial Words
" Write down the key word or words of the chapter." The key word is not always used the most frequently and sometimes there are more than one crucial words.

Step 6~ Challenges
"List any difficulties you may have with the passage. Are there any statements you do not understand? Is there any problem or question you would like to study further?"

Step 7~ Cross-Reference
"Using the cross-reference in your study Bible, look up other verses that help clarify what the chapter is talking about and list them on your form. Ask the question: What else in the Bible helps me understand this chapter?"

Step 8~ Christ Seen
"The entire Bible is a revelation of the Person of Jesus Christ. In fact, Jesus used the Old Testament to teach His disciples about Himself........Ask yourself, What can I learn about the nature of Jesus from this chapter? What attributes of God in Christ are illustrated here? "

Step 9~ Central Lesson(s)
"Write down the major principles, insights, and lessons you learned from this chapter. Ask yourself, Why does God want this passage in the Bible? What does He want to teach me from this chapter? What is the central thought the writer is trying to develop?"

Step 10~ Conclusion
"This is the application portion of your study. .....It will benefit you to conclude your chapter summary by asking yourself two questions:(1) How do these truths apply to me personally? and (2)What specifically am I going to do about them?"

Here is a list of some suggested studies to start out with - using this method:

2 Corinthians 13

2 Timothy 2

1 John 1

John 17

The Gospel of Luke(chapter by chapter)

I looks like each of these methods have a Form at the end of the chapter. I will take a photo of each form and post it at the end of each study(I will also go back and post a photo of the #1 method's form) This will give you an idea of how to set up your form.
Sorry this is the best photo I can get of this. It will at least give you an idea of what this page looks like.


  1. Thanks Lisa for sharing about your Bible Study. I love to study God's word.

  2. Thanks for typing all of this information out! I just may have to try this method out! :D

  3. Thank you for sharing all of this with us..


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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