Sunday, July 18, 2010

Revamping my Schedule

Lately, I have realized that my schedule is not working. Don't get me wrong, I am not the type of person that has a real strict schedule. I really feel that I need some flexibility in order to allow God to lead in my life. When you get so rigid with your schedule - you do not leave some wiggle room to follow God's will for your life for that day. Anyway I did decide that as I was looking at my schedule and realizing that there were some things just not working. So I listed some priorities of thing I would like to see in my schedule, like more time to read, getting to bed earlier, being able to get up earlier so that I can have my devotions in the morning.

One of the main reasons why I knew I needed to revamp my schedule is because I have been very tired lately. My husband leaves for work at 5am. Well I get up with him in the morning and lately I have been staying up way too late. So when he leaves in the morning I have not had enough sleep so many times I have to go back to bed. Then it takes quite a while to get back to sleep since I have been up for a while. Then when I do wake up for the day I am tired. And that is not good. So what I would really like to work towards is getting to bed earlier so that maybe I can get enough sleep by the time I have to wake up with Jason.

So then that takes me to getting to bed earlier. I am going to set a reasonable time to turn off the computer. Sometimes when it is on - I get sucked into checking on this or that and before long time has slipped away from me. So I am going to have the turn off time be about an hour before I want to be in bed.

Well this choice will help with another thing that I would like to add into my schedule - more time to read. I want to have a set amount of time to spend reading in the evenings. I am reading through the "Little House" series right now. And I have two more series that I would like to read once I am done with the "Little House" books. I think the reading in the evenings will also help calm me down and help me get to bed at a decent time at night.

One really cool thing about getting to bed earlier is that I have heard it said many times that the sleep before midnight is VERY important. And I am hoping that if I can get to bed at a decent time that once my husband leaves for work - I can stay up.

This will be the perfect time to have my devotional time. I have noticed that I have much clearer thinking early in the morning. So I think that will help with having my devotional time early in the morning. It is so quiet and there are not many distractions. This will make for a great time to study my Bible.

So basically I want to put some pillars in my schedule just a few little changes -ways to make my life work much smoother. And I will leave the door open to if God leads me to make more changes. I would much rather be in his will than mine. I don't always know the best for me.

So I will do my best to get onto my new schedule. That is once I get back from my week end getaway with my husband. I will also have some great photos to share. Just a simple get away with some pretty scenery! :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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