Sunday, July 11, 2010

Of Lessons Learned...and Learned Again...

Well we have ended up having a pretty good week-end. We got to spend time with our oldest son and his family! That is always fun! Our little granddaughter is growing so fast. I am so thankful that they live nearby. Not everyone is that lucky. My heart goes out to those that deal with grandchildren living far away. I hardly ever lived near my grandparents. And now half of my grandparents are gone and the other half live quite a ways away and so it is not easy to see them. It has been about 10 years since I have seen them. Well it has been about that long since I have seen my Dad as well. I sure wish we all lived closer. I think we miss something when family lives far away.

My husband and son have worked on building our second shed. They are small sheds. The first one we got built about a year ago but had bought two sheds. And we stored the 2nd shed inside the first shed and so we have not had a chance to use either of them yet. I am SO looking forward to them getting the shed done and then we can go through all the stuff in the garage and the attic. I am happy to say that my husband and I both are to the point of being willing to get rid of the things that we do not use or need. It will be nice to go through and weed things out. And to get the stuff we do keep organized. Also it will be really nice that my husband will be able to set up the garage like a work shop - well the area that does not have my car in it. I will say this - Summer is SO much nicer when I can keep my car in the garage when I am not using it. Earlier I needed to run my oldest son on a quick errand and I went out and got into my car and it was SO hot in there. When the car is in the garage - it is not too bad and it is so much easier for the AC to cool it off.

Well this week-end I learned a new lesson. You know I have talked the importance of when we study the Bible to apply it to our lives? Well I learned this week-end that when God teaches me a lesson in life that I need to learn to apply it to my life as well. See, I learned a lesson back in February and if I had have learned to apply this lesson to my life - then I would not have had to learn it again this week-end. But maybe just maybe I am learning that lesson and will be able to apply it and be successful with dealing with the situation in the future - we will see. I will have to pray and ask God to give me the wisdom to know the right way to deal with it. It is so awesome that we can ask God for the wisdom that we need for what ever our problems are. I just need to learn to ask a lot sooner. And be willing to take the time to listen for a reply.

Well I better close - I have a few more things I would like to finish today. Hope you all have had a good week end!! :O)

1 comment:

  1. So far I get to see my granddaughters once a year. They live in WA. and we live in So. CA..So are definitely missing out on precious years..I am weeding books out. I drag too many home from the library I work at..Yes, there are always lessons to be learned...


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