Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Heat Wave is Here

"What dreadful hot weather we have.
It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance."
Jane Austen

Well this is what our weather looks like right now. This is the worse thing about living in Texas. The rest of the year it is a great place to live, but come summer it can be miserable. And what is the hardest to handle, at least for me, is when we get the temperatures in the 100's for days on end. And it only getting to about 80 at night - no cool off and no refreshment.

I am so thankful that this past Wednesday night I went out to the lake with my husband and sat out there and read on my current "Little House" book. There was a cool breeze and it was actually refreshing. If I had have known it was going to be that nice - I would have wanted to get out there earlier than we did. But I am sad to say - I think that will be the last time for a while that we have any refreshing weather.

And wouldn't you know it - when it is the hottest outside - is what my husband discovers a problem with our AC ducting. And he worked up there yesterday for a while.

Well ever since we have moved into this house the end of the house with the beds rooms is much easier to keep cool and the end with the kitchen, dining room and living room is usually at least 5(give or take a few) degrees warmer. So after my husband worked to get the hole that they found fixed, he started thinking about what changes could be made to the AC ducting to help the air move around better and keep our house at a more constant temperature. So he has bought some more supplies and is working on that. I am hoping that the results that we are striving for - actually will be.
Oh and my husband also has gotten part of the mini blinds up in our sun room. The back of the house faces the west so that afternoon, HOT sun - usually really shines in and you can feel the heat. So we are hoping that if we have the blinds up it will block off some of that heat so it will be cooler. I think that will make a big difference in our house.

We also bought some curtains that I am hoping I will be able to alter to make fit our back door. Because in the afternoon - the sun really shines through that window. So we wanted curtains to put up but I wanted curtains that I can open up and have it look cute as well. Wish me luck as I alter them- they are too wide and too long.

Well I hope you all are staying cool this summer. :o)


  1. We're in the middle of a heat wave, too! At 10 pm Friday night the temperature was still 89 degrees with a heat index of 106! I am looking forward to Autumn! :)

  2. Oh wow. I couldn't handle those temps, especially with your humidity, too. I start complaining when we hit 80. :) Hang in there and stay cool! Blessings, Debra

  3. Hi Lisa,
    It is here too. I thought the movers would melt. Thank the Lord for AC. :)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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