Monday, July 5, 2010


There are many things that they say get better with time. Well I think I might be one of them. Well who knows - either better - or I am just finally becoming more accepting of myself. It is so nice to look at photos and just realize I am human and I am not going to look perfect all the time. I can look at my photos and be gentle with my thoughts of myself. I know that might sound really weird to some of you but it is really what I am learning to do. I used to look at bad photos of myself and just be horrified - feeling like I needed to be perfect. Well you know what -I am human. And I will not look perfect all the time. So I can see those horrible photos of me and laugh at myself. And it feels good.

When my boys were small my Mom bought them a book. It is this one:"I Like ME"

"By admiring her finer points and showing that she can take care of herself and have fun even when there's no one else around, a charming pig proves the best friend you can have is yourself."(This is what is says about the book)

What a great books. It goes through all the parts of the pig and how she likes herself. What a great book. And the message slowly sank in. And now I can say "I Like Me" I think this book did alot of good for me as well. Because I used to have a hard time being alone - but now I really like my company. And that is really nice to accept myself and like being by myself.

As I was looking for this book I found a great song- It is "I Like Me" by Kirk Franklin - it is rap - I really like the message - it basically is that ~I like me because HE likes me. Meaning because God likes me - I can like myself. What a great reason to like yourself.

When we get closer to God we have more of His love in our hearts. And with that love we are able to love the unlovable. And sometimes that ends up being ourselves. I would not say that I was ever unlovable - but I did not have much love in my heart for myself. I held myself up to an unrealistic level that I could never reach. And since I had failed to reach that level - I was undeserving of love. Was that the Truth? No - The Truth - is that God loves us so very much and accepts us just the way we are. And once we love ourselves - we can more easily love those around us.

I hope you are able to say that you like yourself. You are a very special person - God created you - to be YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! That's it..accepting our selves. I am petite as in short and sure had to overcome "stuff" such as being teased etc. It is comforting that God loves us as we are..


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