Monday, July 26, 2010

Something I am Passionate About

I was raised in a household with one sister. So you can imagine that when I ended up having boys- it took me into another world. As my boys grew older, I began to notice things. Things like at schools - since boys are more active - they tend to get into trouble - just for being boys. And then TV show's - it seems to me that most of the shows today show so much disrespect for Men. This made me sad. So I am very passionate about the fact that God created men - to be men - not like a woman - and we should not try to make them as such. Men - deserve respect. Paul tells us that men need respect.

So this brings me to something that I am truly passionate about - I believe it is just as important to teach our girls not to hit boys as it is to teach our boys not to hit girls.

When my 17 year old son came and told me that it really bothered him how a girl he knows likes to hit boys. And was hitting on him and he did NOT like it. It really got me thinking. Oh and trust me - this is something that I have felt very strongly about for at least the last 10 years or more. So Why it is it ok for girls to hit boys?

As I have been reading the "Little House" series - it has come to my attention that back then girls were taught not to hit anyone. Ok - so then the feministic movement came along and girls/women can do anything.. Ok - I understand but what is so sad is along with them pushing for equal rights - it ended up doing much more damage to us ladies than probably anything else.

Anyway, so we fast forward to the present - when it seems that it is ok to hit on the guys. And to show so much disrespect. Why is that ok? What happened to - do unto others as you would have done to you? So as you can tell I really care about this. I think that we need to teach our children - whether they are male or female to treat the opposite sex with respect. We will be doing our children a favor if we do. We will help them have happier marriages if we do.

Ok - I will get off my soap box. I really don't intend to offend anyone. I just really want this message to get out there. I want people to realize that this is not right. That it may seem really innocent - but the consequences that can come out of it - are not good at all.


  1. Good message! You are right it has to be taught in the home..

  2. Hi Lisa,
    I so agree. We should be kind to each other. It makes me sad sometimes to see how Christians treat each other.


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