Friday, July 30, 2010

Whoops...I wasn't following the Leader

Well wouldn't you know it?! I write a post about trying to incorporate the question - "What Would Jesus Do?" into my life and then I came right up against something that hit my buttons. I don't like injustice. I just don't - I have been this way as long as I can remember. And something is going on in our extended family that has injustice written all over it.

A family member has already - basically disowned her family - and she found herself a new family - even changing her name. If that wasn't painful enough for the family - now she is accusing one of the family members of abuse - something that we do not think is true. And it is a situation that is a - she said -he said situation. So you can just imagine - that my big button of injustice was pushed and I was very upset. It really brought me down - feeling panicky and sick. This situation is tearing at a lot of people's hearts. It is like salt is being poured into the deep gashes of hurt already there from her turning her back on the family.

So I am stewing about this situation. And I get home from getting groceries and get everything put away. Then I turn on the computer - thinking I will check and see what is going on with the blogs I like. I click into view my own blog and what do I see? "Follow the Leader" Oh boy... Yep the very day that I am writing about how important it is to follow Jesus' example of how we should act and I find myself - way off base. I need to have some mercy and some compassion. Trust me - I still think what she is doing is wrong but I am trying to turn it over to God and to trust Him to take care of this situation. And I am trying to realize that somehow there must be a lot of hurt in this girl's heart for her to want to hurt those that love her the most. I still don't understand what is going on. But I realize that I have to learn the lesson that God wanted me to learn in all of this and that is to look to him for how I should respond to situations. If I follow God's way - I will not be disappointed. Another lesson learned - maybe I can remember it tomorrow... :O)


  1. Sounds very frustrating...Sometimes we just wonder what goes on inside someones head.. When we don't let God lead us we get ourselves into trouble and I am talking about myself. I had a blooper myself with my post..She needs God's intervention. I will be in prayer for her and entire family.

  2. Thank you so much. Prayers would be greatly appreciated!
    Lisa :o)


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