Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Going Ons Around Here

Look who we got to take care of for a few hours the end of last week! It was so fun to have her here. She is growing so fast. She is already 6 months old!
She is a PaPa's girl for sure! Can you tell? Then Monday we had a dinner and invited Oldest son and his wife over so we got to see our granddaughter again! That was awesome - to get to see her twice in one week!! Yay!
Well Monday, we were all off work. I was thrilled when I went to let the chickens out to find that it was actually really nice out side. It was like about 75 degrees or so. We spent half of the day mowing, weed eating, and some gardening. The yard is looking so nice. I love a freshly mowed yard.

Then this morning I was about to leave to run some errands and get to work and could not get the garage door to shut - it took me almost 10 minutes. I was not to happy with the fact that the humidity was so bad that I was so hot and sweaty in that short amount of time. I was probably about as sweaty as I had been working outside for several hours the day before. But it felt SO much worse today.

While I was at work today we got a nice rain shower. I was so thrilled. I had not expected any rain. And actually here in Texas - we never expect rain during the summer. It rains so infrequently that we are so thrilled with it when it rains during the summer. I know I have said this before but I am so thankful for having the rain and some temps that are not has high as we usually have during the summer.

Today after work I had an appointment to get my hair cut, but I had some extra time so I made a quick stop at Goodwill. I found the neatest thing. It is a Teddy Bear that has a frame and it has a whole stack of memory verse cards. And so you can change it out to have what ever verse you want to focus on that week. I thought it would be something neat to remind me of God's promises. And for $2.00 - I could not pass this up.
I am hoping that the temperatures are decent in the am because I have a pile of grass clippings in the front and the back yard that I want to get spread around my front flower bed - for mulch. And then I have some places in the back yard that I want to get it spread out in the back as well. So that will be on my "To Do" list for sure.

I hope you all have a good evening! :o)


  1. So nice that you had your precious granddaughter over to visit...Are they close by or far from you..? You sure are finding some good treasures lately! How fun!

  2. So neat that you found the little memory verse bear! I have looked at those little memory verse cards before, and always thought they are nice. You definately found a good deal! :) And it will be a blessing as well!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

How God Handles Our Hospitality