Today when I was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes, I was looking out into the back yard and enjoying how wet it looked. Then as I watched the birds at the feeders, I noticed my painted bunting had come to eat again. I had not seen him/her in quite some time. He stayed for quite some time and I enjoyed watching the bird.
This last week end my husband brought home some watermelon that he had bought from an older made selling them from his truck. Today I finally got it cut up and we have really been enjoying it.
I don't know why but today I am awfully tired. I should not be because I have had a really good day. I meant a good friend at Cracker Barrel for lunch and it was so nice to visit and enjoy each others company. I made a stop at Goodwill on the way home. I just found a few books and a bunny and a small welcome sign for the garden. Then I have done a few jobs around the house - so I have not over done it at all. Oh - one of the books that I found was one I have been looking for. I have read how several fellow bloggers really like Jan Karon books - well I had found Book #3, #6, and #8 on another visit. Well today one of the books that I found was book #4. I am hoping that slowly I can gather the whole set - very low in price - I am only having to pay $1.00 or $2.00 for each of them. That is really cool.
Here is a photo of the bunny and the welcome rock for the garden. Aren't they cute!?!Well I hope everyone is having a good week. :O)
One more addition: I also found this well mine is probably a small one. I paid $1.00 for it. Look how much the Large one would have been $87.00 - wow!! I love finding great deals like that! I bought it for a pen holder for my sewing room - or on my desk!
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