I transplanted my strawberry plants into the washing tubs that I found last week. I had been nervous about doing the transplant because the containers that we had the strawberries in were pretty big and I just did not know if I could handle the holding the plant gently and then turning it all over and all the jazz. Well thank goodness I had not watered it for a couple of days cause it came right out and it was not very much trouble at all. I had to go shovel up some dirt into a bucket and bring it to finish filling up the tubs. I had to do this several times each. Even though I had already shoveled up dirt to fill the tubs half way. When I was done - I watered the thirsty plants. They are already looking a little better than they were. One of the plants was looking pretty bad.
I also shoveled out about 6-7 buckets of stuff out of the chicken coop. I had worked on it a little earlier in the week and did not realize there was that much more to get. Boy was I hot! Sweating big time! It is nice to have the job done though. I do need to just plan on doing it ever so often and that way it is not such a big job.
I cooked a big roast and we invited our son and his wife and baby(of course) for supper. My husband helped Oldest with pulling the engine out of his VW Bug. They will be working on it off and on this next week. We are hoping to get it running since right now the only vehicle that they have is a Dodge truck and he has to drive and he has quite a drive to work. So we are hoping that the bug will help save him some money and wear and tear on the truck.
Oh- and if you did not think that my week-end has been fun enough so far - this evening after I write this; in fact, I will be putting the sealer down on the grout in between the tile on our bathroom floor. Then this next week I will spend some time sanding the tape and bedding that has been done in our sun room. I decided that I needed to just take over some jobs and that way it could move along faster - if I could get some of the things done while he was at work ~or fishing :O)
Well I hope that you all have had a great week-end! And that you made Father's Day a special day for those Father's out there!
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