Friday, June 4, 2010

Of Learning Lessons and Baby Birds

Well as I shared before, it is now Summer here in Texas. And it is quite warm. So this week I decided that I would get my hair cut. I really don't like having my longer hair in a pony tail all the time and here in Texas with it being SO hot that is what ends up happening. I don't know if the photo will do it justice but here is what I look like now.

The lighting was a bit bright but it was the best of the photos that I took and I am just always amazed to finally get a good photo that I just take it as it is! As you can tell by that comment I don't like very many photos of myself. You know I guess it is because as a person - I am SO much more than just a photo and a photo takes one second of your life and does not always tell the whole story. I think I have come along ways in the last six months to a year because in the past few years or ten years maybe even longer than that - I don't have hardly any photos of me that I actually like. I don't know if it is that I am beginning to accept myself more now or what. I still struggle. I guess it is a sensitive spot with me.

Let me share a little story of what happened to me last Friday. I was in Walmart grocery shopping and a lady walked up to me and ask if my Mom's name was_____. I said yes - she said - Oh I know you. Anyway I told her a short story of what I remember about her and her two sons. I had remembered playing at a certain park with these boys when I was a kid. She told me I was beautiful. I say thank you I needed to hear that. You know it is SO nice to hear something like that from someone outside of your family. Anyway so I was feeling all happy inside - someone thinks I am beautiful what a novel idea. Then she said you know why you and I are fat? What did she say - really did she say that? (This was going on in my mind, of course) She said she had read some blood type diet book. I wish I had have just said yes - I know about the book and do not believe in it but I was trying to be nice - a people pleaser. Anyway I was not very happy at this point. In fact, I thought I wish I had not even talked to you - I would have much rather not been told I was beautiful and then feel like some one squished me under their foot. Anyway, I guess I needed to learn that I need to sometimes just say what I feel - nicely of course, but I have a right to my opinion, even if it does not agree with your opinion. Anyway I felt like Satan had taken an area that I feel sensitive in and had really used it against me. Anyway the positive side - is that I learned a lesson.


This morning I was blessed with getting so see something very special.

As I was leaving the Quilt Shop this morning, the lady in front of me pointed these sweet baby birds out to me. I held my phone up as high as I could and took a photo that I had hoped would show these sweet babies. The sun was so bright I could not tell what I got on the photo. So I was thrilled when I was able to see that you can actually see the babies. A special blessing from God.


  1. I think your photo is just lovely, Lisa. And I like your hairstyle!

    It never ceases to amaze me at how people can be so rude. My mama taught me if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Don't let it bother you, Lisa!

  2. Such a nice picture! And the lady didn't mean anything, I'm sure. Some people just have no tact and it's awfully hard for them to learn how to use tact, though it is possible. We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, right?

    As for the Eating Right For Your Blood Type book--have you read it? I have and it confirmed three years' worth of information I'd searched for on the Internet concerning my own health. There was all the information gathered in one book. It's been a huge help to me and has helped me--on most days--feel like a million dollars. :) (I guess I just found it odd that you said you didn't believe in it. It's helped many people become free from eating the foods which made them feel lousy for years.)

    Blessings, Debra

  3. Lisa--The VERY first thing I said to Austin (who was standing next to me) when your blog post came up was how pretty I thought your picture was! And how I honestly thought your new haircut was very attractive on you, even more so than longer hair! I like it!

    And as far as the lady at the store goes--that's a NASTY thing for her to say!!! I'm sorry, but I don't have a nicer word to use. Maybe she feels like SHE is fat, but she is NOT the judge of everyone else! YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (And I'm not either!!!!!!) Why is it that we always focus on negative things--perhaps only "negative" according to what the world wants to see--like paper thin models dying from not eating enough!AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd better get off my soapbox, or I could be on here a long time!

    By the way--if she has learned some new health nugget that she is excited to share with people, I can think of some better ways to share what she has learned!

  4. Thanks you guys! I am enjoying my new hairstyle. It is cute and SO much cooler. I really appreciate your kind words. It is nice to be learning to like myself more and more and seeing myself through God's eyes - and not the worlds.
    Lisa :o)


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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