Today we got to take care of our Granddaughter for the first time! Yay!! It was so fun to get to spend time with her and enjoy for. She was here for about 5 hours. It was nice to be able to get our son and his wife a little break so that they could relax and enjoy being a couple!
Well my son got the yard mowed. And while he mowed I went and weeded the front flower beds. I deadheaded the roses out there. And I trimmed some branches off of our crape myrtles in the front yard. I weed-eated around the flower beds and along the front porch and around the crap myrtles. Our yard looks so much nicer now. It is so nice to have my son mow - our yard is bumpy and ends up hurting my tail bone - since I fell on the concrete block in our chicken pin a couple of months ago.
Hoping you all have a nice evening! :o)
I'm so sorry your weather has turned HOT! I very much understand the heat getting you down. It was a constant struggle for me, and I usually lost in my attempts to not get depressed over it. I'll say an extra prayer for you, and you (and Jason too of course!) are ALWAYS welcome over here at our house! It's not exactly cool, but not nearly as hot as you are having right now.