Thursday, June 10, 2010

Real...Or Just Acting

Lately, I have been thinking about actors. There have been some actors that I have really liked, but as I thought about it, I realized that they were just doing their jobs, acting - playing a part. That was not who they actually were. There are people who get paid big bucks to help these actors with their image.

About a year ago, I experienced some disappointment. I had really liked an actress. She had played a very wholesome role for quite some time. I looked her up to see what other shows she had acted in to see if I could find some other good quality shows. I was SO disappointed. She had acted in a really raunchy show -well what it was about - was that way. The illusion was gone - I realized that what I had really liked was the role she played.

What I think is SO very sad is that there are young girls (I am sure young guys as well but I will stick with talking about the girls in this) that are "in love" with an actor. And truthfully what they are "in love" with is the role that the actor is playing. A lot of thought is put into how to portray these actors - in order to get more attention. The more people that are "in love" with the image- the more money that is made on the movie(or whatever.) What is so sad about this fact is that it sets up these young girls (and even young ladies,women) for failure. For you see, they think that every relationship is so romantic and loving - or what ever the ideal characteristic is it that they are "in love" with. Many times these roles - have all the positive attributes and don't show any flaws. So these young people get the idea that there are "perfect" mates out there for them. When the truth is - that everyone has their faults. We bring our own faults into a relationship as does our mate.

But there is Good News: There is someone out there that is perfect and will never let you down. It is Jesus Christ! He is who He is and who He has always been.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
Heb 13:8
He is real and I like that!!


  1. Really nice thoughts, Lisa! Thanks for sharing. I like the point about Jesus being the only perfect one, and how He won't disappoint us.

  2. Oh, I know. :)

    I love doing research on favorite actors, new and old, on IMDB, but nearly always I'll find that they played in shows I would never, ever watch. Or else that they had such sad, sad real lives. Sigh.

    But still I keep researching! Can't understand that, unless it's to help me become sympathetic to souls without Jesus. I do pray for the actors who are still alive and still have a chance to come to know Him and most likely that's why God has me reading and caring about them. As the Bible says, everything we do should be done with love.

    Thanks for sharing! Blessings, Debra


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