Hello my friends~
This past week-end, in between a couple of trips to the lake to fish, we did actually get a few things done around the house.
When my oldest son moved out - he left part of his things here in the closet. Well with all our remodel projects going on we have a few extra boxes of things in my sewing room, like a couple of boxes from our bathroom and then when summer got here I packed up all my winter things. I have way to many winter things and have decided that when fall gets here I will go through those boxes and narrow it down to just what I really like. There is no need having a lot of things that I really don't like or use. Anyway so my sewing room has been quite cluttered. And I have really wanted to keep it nice and organized so I can work in there easily.
This past week-end, in between a couple of trips to the lake to fish, we did actually get a few things done around the house.
When my oldest son moved out - he left part of his things here in the closet. Well with all our remodel projects going on we have a few extra boxes of things in my sewing room, like a couple of boxes from our bathroom and then when summer got here I packed up all my winter things. I have way to many winter things and have decided that when fall gets here I will go through those boxes and narrow it down to just what I really like. There is no need having a lot of things that I really don't like or use. Anyway so my sewing room has been quite cluttered. And I have really wanted to keep it nice and organized so I can work in there easily.
So this week end we went through the stuff in the closet and we packed up a few more things that were not in boxes already and we labeled the boxes with his name on them. And we hauled them up into the attic. Then we put my boxes of winter clothes into the closet. Along with a couple of shelves of toys and books for our granddaughter, Hailee! The room is not back to being really organized but I will be working on it some more this week to finish it up. I can not wait till it is done and looking nice.
Last week I did go through a few boxes of things of ours and I made a few piles - for my Mom, my sister, and a local thrift store. So I was able to get rid of 2 large trash bags plus a few smaller Walmart bags of things out of the house, along with a VCR and a small bag of books. It feels good to bless others. I will slowly go through more things and get rid of more things we are not using. And organize things better around here.
Last week when we went to "The Little House on the Prairie: The Musical" inspired me that I/we really want to do more fun things. Life gets kind of dull when all you are doing is the same old thing all the time. There needs to be fun outings to look forward to. And what is so cool is that it does not have to cost a lot of money. Anyway I have made a list of a few things that I want to do through out this next year. I am having to say next year because some of the things do not come up for a while.
Here is the start of my list:
Check out some antique stores in the area
Local Museum - has a Leonardo Di Vinci exhibit going on
Stock Show
the Fair(even though it is in a rough neighborhood in a BIG city)
At least one Quilt Show
Check out some of the State Parks that we don't usually go to
go to the Parades that a town nearby has - at Christmas Time and 4th of July
Botanical Gardens
Japanese Gardens
at Christmas time a local town has a park that they really do up big time with Christmas lights and they have a walking trail - I want to do that
I will also be looking to see what all things are available to do. I have signed up with one of the towns in the area that does special things - that way I will have a heads up of activities that they have going on.
Well I am also happy to report that I think the funk that I was in, for a few weeks - maybe a few months, seems to be gone. At least to a dull roar - were I feel joy, peace, and contentment many time now - not all the time but most of the time. I think there are times in your life that will be really hard and I think you have to give yourself the permission to grieve if you need to. There is no need to stick your head in the sand and pretend there are no problems at all. I think we do ourselves a disservice when we try to squish our problems down and pretend we don't have any. We will end up with health problems or we may end up just one day having had enough and totally lose it. Maybe I am exaggerating here - I don't know for sure. I just know for me - it has helped me come a long ways. Like the Bible says there is a season for everything - you will not always be happy but the good news is that you will not always be sad either. Praise the Lord!
*Photo above - a new rose in my rose garden in the back yard!! :O)
The rose is beautiful, and like your thoughts on life.
ReplyDeleteSounds like lots of fun Lisa,