Saturday, June 12, 2010

What An Awesome God We Have

There is something about being out in nature that makes me feel closer to God.

Yesterday on the way out to pick up my friend, God blessed me with 5 miles of really pretty country side. Which was great since the rest of the drive was in a big city. There were a couple of miles where the green trees seemed to envelope the road. I love roads like that. It seems to soothe my soul.

Today my husband and I went to a local state park for a picnic and to go fishing. I am so thankful for a nice shade tree that was right were we were fishing. We set up our nice red, white and blue camping chairs in the shade. I love these chairs and the drink holder that is on the arm rest. It was quite warm with temps in the mid 90's and I am sure that the heat index was higher.
I have discovered that fishing takes a lot of skill. I used to think you just put the hook in the water and then a fish would bite it and you would have the fish. If only it were that easy... As you have already guessed - I did not catch anything this time around. But once before at this same lake I caught my first fish(as an adult anyway) and it was so funny because when I went to hold it for a photo - I had my thumb on one side of it and my finger on the other side and the fish peed. Yes - fish pee! I thought that was the coolest thing. Of course, my family weren't quite as impressed. I absolutely love being in nature. Seeing and experiencing things that are not every day routine things.
I would fish for a while and then sit in the shade. We were blessed with a gentle breeze ever so often. And I enjoyed the sound of the water rushing up to the bank. I love the sound of water rippling. It is probably one of my favorite sounds. It is so relaxing.
Well and wouldn't you know it - I forgot my camera. I took a few photos with my cell phone but as you can tell I did not get very many good ones. I picked out the best ones to share. I will really have to remember to start taking my camera with me when I go places.
As I sat in the shade of the tree, I was reminded how awesome it is that I serve God! The one that created our world in 7 literal days!! I guess that is why I feel closer to God out in nature. However; Nature is not my God, although to some it seems to be. No -my God is the Creator God! The God that not only created this world but also sent His son to this sinful world(after sin came into the world) in order to die on the cross for our sins. What an awesome God I serve! And as I sat out in the beautiful scenery - I could only try to imagine what God intended this world to look like -without sin. One day we will know and I am so thankful for that.
I want to make it more of a priority to spend more time outside in the world that God gave us. And more time with God.

I hope you all are having a good week end so far! :o)
All photos were taken today at the state park - by cell phone - next time I will try to take camera and get photos.

1 comment:

  1. Your cell phone did well capturing your time outdoors enjoying nature. Our Father is so good to us and blesses us with beauty in so many ways. He is an awesome God!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

Perfect Information for part 8

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