Wednesday, November 30, 2022

We Have A Choice To Make - Choose Life

 I struggles as if I were in a pit and couldn't get out. I was sad and emotional. I had a list of things that had broke my spirit and I just couldn't get past it all. 

Then God brought a special lady in my Sabbath School class and inspired her to share with me a book that she and her husband were reading and how it was making a huge difference in their lives. 

The author of the book explained how every morning we have new baby brain cells and it was our choice of what to do with them. As my friend and I were discussing this information we both noticed the correlation between how we have new baby brain cells every morning and how God gives us new mercies every morning. How cool is that?! 

 Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,

Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
Lamentations 3:22-23

The author also used the verse found in Deuteronomy that speaks about us having a choice before life and death, blessings and cursing 

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you
 life and death,
 blessing and cursing; 
therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;
Deuteronomy 30:19

We have a choice of what we want the new baby brain cells to be: 
life or death 
blessings or cursing's

As my friend shared this information with me, I knew that it was just what I needed to hear. I had been wasting my new baby brain cells on negative thoughts hat were a curse to me- I had not been choosing life or a blessing but death. And I knew that is not what I wanted. And I also knew it was not God's will for my life either. 

The things that had broke my spirit had not changed, but my attitude about my life has changed and I am feeling happy and blessed. 

We each have choices to make. When we choose to dwell on the negative things it makes deep ruts in our brains that make it harder and harder to get out of the habit of thinking negative thoughts. When those negative thoughts pop into our minds we have a choice to make - dwelling on the negativity only pulls us down into a pit. And its no fun in the pit. I have spent too much time in the pit. So I am making my choices for life and for blessings and what a blessing it is to be pulled up out of the pit! 

I have ordered this book and would like to check it out a bit before I recommend it to you all. I would hate to lead you all astray. 


Monday, November 28, 2022

Quick Update

 Hello my friends! I hope you all are doing well. I am so happy that we have finally had a couple of days of sunshine! I needed them. They have refreshed my soul. 

I actually have a post written up that i want to share with you. ill just have to get it typed up. 

I just finished reading a great book and just started a new one and want to share them here as well. And I do not order very many books off line. I like to spend just a dollar or 2 on most my books but something happened this past week end that led me to buy not one but 2 books off of eBay!! What would cause me to do that?! Just wait and I will Share about them as well. And because I found used books I was able to buy 2 books for a lot less than 1 ~ brand new. It's the best way to buy books, 

I will just on again when i have a bit of free time and get that post typed up, Oh and I have a couple of other purchases to share with you as well!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just dropping in for a few minutes to say I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving!

 A couple weeks ago I thought that we would end up with a big thanksgiving crowd - of about 15 or so- but in reality we will only have 8 and 2 of those will be babies. It will be the first time in MANY years that we will actually have Thanksgiving for our family- on Thanksgiving Day. I have done some prep work today so that tomorrow will be a bit easier since we will also be taking care of our youngest grandson -who is about 10 months old, that should be fun. 

Anyway Happy Thanksgiving!! :O) 

Monday, November 14, 2022


Just had a few minutes to come and do a bit of a check in. My stressful situation last week - ended up lowering my immune system and I so I ended up getting sick Friday and had to stay home from church on Sabbath. Thankfully they broadcast it and so I was able to watch the service. I was happy because they are doing a sermon series. And I know when there is a series - I get a lot more out of the series when I hear them all. This morning I called Dr to get an appointment and so I will be going to see her this afternoon. I need to get well so I will be up to taking care of my grandson - who has not been feeling well either. He has a check up tomorrow and we are hoping they will finally give him some meds to help him feel better. Poor baby has been sick for over a week. I am SO thankful he is a pretty happy baby because he may be more clingy but thankfully he is not a grouch when he gets sick. Wish I could say the same for my -if you are married - you probably can relate... 

So today is a stay home and get caught up on a few things around the house till my appointment this afternoon. I am hoping I get some meds that will finally clear up this mess. 

I hope you all are doing well. I wanted to leave you with this encouraging quote. It is found in a wonderful book called "Mount of Blessings" well worth your time to read. You can find it on line- it is written by Ellen G. White. If you would like an actual book to read - just leave a message and I will mail one to you. It is such a great book - I think everyone should have a chance to read it. 

 "Whatever may have been your past experience, however discouraging your present circumstances, if you will come to Jesus just as you are, weak, helpless, and despairing, our compassionate Savior will meet you a great way off, and will throw about you His arms of love and His robe of righteousness." MB8

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Sabbath Devotional

Happy Sabbath! I have recently found a really nice youtube channel that has some short devotional videos and I thought I would share some of my favorites with you all each Sabbath. I hope they bless you as they have blessed me. :O) 

"The Case of the Strange Chicken"

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Thank You!!

 Doing much better today - A BIG Thank you to those of you who took time to lift me in prayers. It's wonderful to have prayer warriors in my life. When I am struggling I can count on them. And I do my best to lift my friends in prayers as well. Prayer is very important. It is our way to talk to the one who loves us best! 

I pray you all are doing well and that God blesses you in a special way!! :O) 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Asking for Prayers Please

 I have been trying really hard to take care of my self and to live life in a way where I can handle the stresses better- and wouldn't you know it - a double load of stresses falls on me. So I would like to ask for extra prayers. I will try to jump on here and update when I can. Thank you so much. 

Friday, November 4, 2022

Rejoices over you with singing

 "If you base your value on how you compare to others, you essentially deafen yourself to His voice who “rejoices over you with singing.” Don’t look to the right or left. Look at your Dad up there singing your praises like a crazy person."

~Jennifer Jill Schwirzer

Hello~ It has been a long time since I have had a chance to check in. So on this overcast Friday morning, while my grandson sleeps, I thought I would take a few minutes to say Hi! Things continue to be busy here - We are still plugging away at working on our new chicken coop. We did find out this week that it will probably be February 2023 before we get our baby chicks - but at least we will be prepared.

I have been struggling a bit with depression- it has seemed. I have had moments of overwhelming sadness and feeling very emotional. SO I had to get proactive. I prayed about it and asked God to help me and He encouraged me to do a few things -
  • Get better sleep ~ This means make more effort to get exercise every day if possible.
  • Start doing a "health bounce" every day~ This means getting my mini trampoline and setting a timer(for now) for 5 minutes and bouncing and moving on it. This is very good for your lymphatic system and working my core and so much more. He has brought this instruction around to me several different times over the last few months and so I am planning to do it every evening for 5 minutes for the month of November and will work up to doing 10 minutes a day in December. I have high hopes of what this will do for my health and fitness.
  • Getting to bed earlier~ I had let my bedtime slip too much and had to pull it back. The sleep before midnight is 2 times as important to your body than the sleep after midnight. So going to bed earlier will help.
  • Trying to eat healthier - getting more fruits, veggies, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and grains. When we do this our bodies function much better and our overall health improves and so does our mood. We need nutrition and eating a lot of highly processed foods does not give as much nutrition as what the diet that God has provided. Getting a good amount of fiber is very important for our health and eating more fruits, veggies, legumes, and beans each day helps with this!
These are just the basics of what I have put into practice and this week has gone much better- well once I got past Wednesday. As is usual when you try to follow as the Lord leads - you will probably be attacked and sure enough Wednesday morning was rough. I asked for prayers and thankfully was able to get on track and made the changes necessary to make Thursday and Friday more successful.

Anyway I hope you guys are doing well. If you, too, are having a rough time - take some time to ask God to lead you in what you should do. He is faithful to give us the wisdom we need - we just have to ask and listen. Don't forget to listen. :O)

“Covenantal Love” | Sabbath School Panel by 3ABN - Lesson 2 Q1 2025

Happy Sabbath- may you be blessed! :O)