Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Moving Forward...

Read the following slowly:

There is so much wisdom in these words and they can bring so much clarity into your thinking when dealing with life. There are things we can not change- and it is so much easier if you just will realize that.
I am dealing with something in my life - I have shared before about it here and here if you want to go back and read about it. Short version is that I work in an environment with quite a bit of cigarette smoke. And when I heard this prayer last night -I realized that I can not change her - I can not get her to stop smoking and make our store a smoke free environment but I can change me - yes I already realized all of this but it was so freeing to hear this and realize that I was on the right path. I have the right to set boundaries.
So now that I have these realizations - I have to talk to my MIL about this. I am not sure if I have already shared that I had already made the choice to work through the holidays - it would be way too short of notice. And so I am going to help through the holidays and then I am hoping to go in on Sundays when no one is at the store to do a majority of my work and then just go in for an hour a couple of days a week to bake up the cookies - yes - I will still be exposed but much less. If she want to bake up the cookies - that is totally fine with me too - I would rather not be exposed at all.
So now I am trying to decide if I should talk to her or write an e-mail. Someone close to me suggested and e-mail and then maybe my MIL would not feel defensive about the conversation and it would give her time to let the info soak in. I know it might seem like the cowards way out but I want this to go as smoothly as possible - I want her to realize that I love her I just don't want to be around the smoke. I don't want the damage done to my health. So this will be something that I take care of this week. I will let you know how it goes.
Sometimes we are called to stand up for what we believe, even if it is not the popular thing to do. When we are exposed to truth - we have a decision to make. I am praying God gives me the right words to say and then I am leaving the results up to Him. He knows what is best. :o)

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