Thursday, December 23, 2010

God Prepares Us

I am so thankful that God prepares us for hard times. The last couple of days, I have been thinking a little more outside of the box. For example, I was cutting the pieces for one of my Block of the Month blocks and I accidentally cut something wrong and did not have enough of the pink and white swirly fabric that the quilt store had given me. In the past, I would have went back to the quilt shop and bought a fat quarter of that fabric to make those pieces. Well as I thought about it I realized I had a piece of pink fabric - not as pretty by any means but it would work in the block. So I used it instead. Now this only saved me about $2.25 but every little bit helps. Plus I am learning to make do with what I have when I can.

I was reading someones blog a little earlier and they talked about reading the Little House books at Christmas time. And especially "The Long Winter" well I started thinking back to when I read that book(not too long ago) and how this book really had prepare me for this season in my life. It is so reassuring when I realize something like that - because it reminds me that God is in control and nothing surprises Him. He know everything from the beginning all the way down to the end. And He loves us so much that He prepares us for what ever is coming next in our lives.

Now as much as I LOVE the Little House books - I do wish there was one thing different. As I read "The Long Winter" I was surprised at the fact that - there was not very much talk about praying to God or asking Him for help through this super rough period of time. I have shared recently how I have been learning to totally depend upon God. I think it is very important for us to depend on God. When we start relying on ourselves too much- we take our focus off of God and put it on ourselves. Now before you start to think that I have got it all figured out and that I am 100% depending on God - I need to share that this is NOT the case. I know that I should, but I still struggle with it. I still try to take control of my life back over and God has to gently take my hand off of the reigns again. I am so thankful that I can trust my life with God. And that He loves us so much that He prepares us for the next step that we need to take. He does not shine the flashlight very far in advance - only as far as we need it. We are to follow where He leads and trust Him. :o)

1 comment:

  1. So true Lisa! Every time I surrender "everything", God shows me more that I didn't know was there that needed to be surrendered!


Hello~ I love getting your comments. I have made a few changes to make things a little easier for you and hoping a more enjoyable experience for both you and I. Have a blessed day! :o)

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