Friday, December 17, 2010

Loved This Dress

Earlier this week, when my sister and I went to the Goodwill half price day - I found this awesome dress. It is a "Just My Size" Smocked Jersey border print dress, with the tags still attached to it. I loved the style(of course I would have worn a camisole under it cause I do not wear that revealing of clothing)! The flowers at the bottom of this dress are so pretty and just make me love the dress. Well I tried it on, as I was admiring the fact that several months ago the size would have never fit and how excited I was to find such a cute dress and it would only be about $5.00, I noticed that somehow it had gotten cut in several places towards the bottom in the area with the flowers. I am imaging that some little kid got a hold of scissors and got in at least 2 cuts before they were taken away. Anyway I was so disappointed. Anyway going to thrift stores and Goodwill's is a great way to find really pretty, nice clothes at really reasonable prices- you just have to really be careful and check things out. There may be a really good reason why it is there - other than it did not fit someone any more. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Very pretty dress! Is there any way for it to be fixed? I hope so..


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Benefits of ...Nutrition

I will be re-sharing a post for each of the health laws so we can all review the benefits of following these health principles in our lives....